Ocolind Australia. Etapa finală – Free Range Sailing Ep 179

Ocolind Australia.  Etapa finală - Free Range Sailing Ep 179

Pentru a vedea traseul nostru de la Tasmania la Fremantle oferit de prietenul nostru Rob Martin la ClientSAT, urmați acest link: https://www.clientsat.com.au/sv-mirrool-free-range-sailing/ ȚINEȚI-NE SAILING! Sprijină-ne și obține acces din timp la videoclipuri și alte recompense exclusive. Deveniți un patron al Free Range Sailing astăzi! http://www.patreon.com/freerangesailing Unii dintre fanii noștri preferă să aducă o contribuție directă prin Paypal: http://www.PayPal.Me/frstp SOCIALELE NOASTRE Urmărește-ne pe: Instagram: http://www.instagram .com/freerangesailing Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/freerangesailing GHID DE PROVISIONARE GRATUITĂ Pascale a creat un Ghid de furnizare GRATUIT de 40 de pagini. Ghidul explică și oferă exemple despre cum putem călători mâncând o varietate de mâncăruri sănătoase și delicioase timp de până la 6 luni la un moment dat, pe barca noastră mică, fără aprovizionare. Nu a existat niciodată un moment mai bun pentru a începe să înveți cum să crești potențialul de depozitare a alimentelor din casa ta. Sper că acest ghid vă va inspira să faceți alegeri mai informate de furnizare pe termen lung pentru viitor! Pentru mai multe informații, vizitați Pagina de aprovizionare de pe site-ul nostru web ( www.freerangesailing.com/boat-provisioning ) sau pentru a obține o copie direct făcând clic pe linkul de mai jos. LINK AICI: Descarcă-ți Ghidul de aprovizionare GRATUIT: https://bit.ly/3adbloF De asemenea, dacă vrei să afli mai multe despre ceea ce pregătesc în fiecare săptămână pentru noi la bordul Mirrool, ar trebui să urmărești pagina mea de Instagram pentru mâncăruri! www.instagram.com/gourmetsailor Credite muzicale Toată muzica provenită de la Epidemic Sound (www.epidemicsound.com) La cererea unuia dintre patronii noștri, am creat un playlist cu o parte din muzica noastră pe Spotify. Urmăriți și ascultați aici: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Qegq91f000leXa5LwdNtr


35 thoughts on “Ocolind Australia. Etapa finală – Free Range Sailing Ep 179

  1. The end of a legacy it was such a pleasure watching you guys I hope you guys continue to circumnavigate the world. Maybe by a little bigger boat maybe not I have a friend who circumnavigated the world on a Tartan 27.

  2. I just happened upon you guys a few weeks ago, and gave watched many vlogs. Great to be able to watch and learn. Thank you.

  3. Great seeing the chart of the whole continent with dotted line of your passage. It really adds to perspective. You could include it in your intro to further episodes. (please)

  4. Amazing work! Thank you for taking me (all of us) along for a great 4 year ride on the Mirrool! Keep at it you guys are good people!

  5. So where are you off to next I would suggest sailing ⛵ to the 🇺🇸use and into tge great lakes and then down the Mississippi River you can ⛵ sail through tge American hart land and if you plan it right be in New Orleans for Mardi Gras then your on the golf of Mexico , P/S you really won't believe the size if the great lakes they cover 94,250 square miles

  6. Just arrived “in Freo” with you today. Our virtual circumnavigation took closer to four months, vice your actual travels of four years. It was neat to see Cape Leeuwin Light. I visited HMAS Stirling about sixteen years ago, and had the good fortune to spend about a month in the area including a week down at Margarette River. I took a day to visit the Cape and I was impressed that spring day by the energy of the Southern & Indian oceans mixing. I can’t imagine what it’s like when it’s really cross. The US Submarine Force brought me to the 70’s North latitude and every longitude, but the Cape marks the highest Southern latitude I’ve been. My wife & I really appreciate your efforts. You are incredibly genuine and transparent, and quite gifted storytellers. Frankly every other sailing channel we’ve seen disappoints when compared to yours. We appreciate your competence as mariners and goodness as humans. We have been entertained, inspired, and educated by your efforts. We look forward to future tales.

  7. I notice you're using your brilliant tiller pilot-to-pendulum system. That's great for close to the shore, but why not use the wind vane in these winds when you're well out?

    I hope you won't mind my linking to your video on other cruising soloists' and couples' channels, explaining "I've just seen an absolutely brilliant use of a cheap, humble Tiller pilot coupled with the power of a deflection-style wind vane self-steering system which can save people a fortune on AP computers, hydraulic rams and further connections to the quadrant." @

  8. I have truly enjoyed your style of presentation. Many sailing vloggers only show the sunshine and fun. You folks show the reality of being underway. Brilliant.

  9. heya congrats on your circumnavigation of AU started 2 moth's ago watching your 225 vlog's only 20 vlog's left love to seen your journy and hope to see more vlog's of you in the future THANK YOU VERY MUCH

  10. Did you guys notice any difference in the motion of the boat with the reduced weight aloft from the dynema rigging? Was it a comfier motion?

  11. Hey guys, I just finished watching your videos from start to finish. I felt it was like an internship in sailing the coast – mostly nice sailing times and then also instructions on preparing good food and how to fix various boat problems. I have been sailing and upgrading my Top Hat 25 for a couple of years now and plan to head north to QLD soon and your lessons have helped a bunch. It's so useful to see each of the sections along the way. Have just donated via PayPal in appreciation – good luck on your homesteading adventures 🙂

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