Întâlnesc eroul meu! Legenda navigației Sven Yrvind

Întâlnesc eroul meu!  Legenda navigației Sven Yrvind

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34 thoughts on “Întâlnesc eroul meu! Legenda navigației Sven Yrvind

  1. Everyone: Sam your boat is so small.. I cant believe you sail across the ocean in that thing all by yourself..

    Sven: Hold my beer.. As a matter in fact go ahead and finish it, we might not see eachother for a few months.

  2. I love how, taking out his tool kit to show you, he immediately saw something that needed tinkering with & took care of it. Seems sailors are always working on something.

  3. Amazing micro ocean-going sailboat ! Doesn't seem to have a keel. I suppose it's weighted heavier under so if and when it capsizes in really rough seas, the sailboat can quickly right itself. But something that small, you'd be tumbled around like a rag doll in a washing machine.

  4. What an amazing person Sven is. One question – when he closes the hatches to make the boat completely water tight, what does he do for ventilation?

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