Când Bilgin m-a invitat cel mai mare iaht din flota lor, „Tatiana” de 80 de metri, am știut că va fi o experiență minunată. Nu eram pregătit pentru ce iaht frumos este ea. Parțial datorită H2 designerilor de interior și parțial datorită Unique Yacht Design pentru exterior… în mare parte datorită lui Bilgin înșiși, care au făcut o treabă grozavă. Coca numărul 3 al acestui model este disponibilă…



  1. It has been estimated a superyacht with permanent crew, helicopter pad, submarines and pools emits about 7,020 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, more than 1,500 times higher than a typical family car. I understand that billionaires can afford it but that does not give them the right to destroy mother earth. Sailing Yacht is a better option.

  2. There are yachts around the world many time more expensive than this one but why would you want one. This is exquisite and has ample room for big party’s and your closest friends to stay over. I’m gonna start saving now and I should have enough in a couple of hundred years.

  3. As I watch this video, I keep thinking of how I grew up learning a lot of different skills and never actually mastering any, but using my brain to overcome challenging situations, but never making any money for myself just for others. If I was a bit more financially intelligent, this could be something I’d own one day. Nevertheless, this is gorgeous and very well laid out. 👍🏼

  4. LOL half way through I forgot what I was watching.. thought I was watching a videos about mansions… then I saw the title "yacht"… "Wait… this is a fucking boat?!?!?" Jesus it looks 2X bigger on the inside, its a damn house

  5. Men put their powerful testosterone to work to create a huge and strong ship, the very reflection of their testosterone and masculinity just to name it…tatiana, the very expression of womenhood…wtf???

  6. Thanks so much for including the engine room, and technical aspects of the yacht.

    Guess I'm into how things work, as I used to train marine engineers in electrical installation and maintenance.

    Any extra information gladly appreciated. Thank you.

  7. Beautiful video and a fantastic yacht to be sure but I find Motor Yacht Ace in particular the stairwell to be one of the most spectacular things I've seen on a yacht.

  8. Workmanship is good but the shipyard has very limited number of engineers. Almost everything decide and made on board which is not very professional. Maybe that's why they can make it cheaper.

  9. The height of virtue signalling to have a super yacht “reducing carbon emissions”. Whatever sanctimonious wanker that thought of doing that should be thrown over the side in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.


  11. What about safety equipment? Watertight division and door operation, pump power and emergency generators for power. Is the yacht double-bottomed or double-hulled? What materials are used in the composition of the hull? The hydraulically-operated
    hull hatch "where one can take on supplies or dispose of garbage" I was confused. Exactly what was meant in the narration by "disposing of refuse or garbage". One assumes this handy hatch deposits garbage in port unto an approved refuse barge for environmentally safe disposal? A rather too convenient temptation for the "I don't care" super-wealthy" crowd could very easily be tempted to save a few pence on the pesky legal and safe deposition of raw garbage port fees (plastics, pharmaceutical wastes and toxins) directly into our oceans. Not to mention that this hatch is simultaneously a method for the on-boarding of supplies and fresh meats and offloading toxic waste into the oceans. None of this strikes me as a particularly sanitary means of 'injecting fresh foods'; then ejecting garbage. Then there is the question of how many screws propel this vessel and can their blades be auto-adjusted and shafts angled slightly? What redundant mechanisms are in place for rudder control and how are these systems operated and positioned? While we're at it, what configuration of ballast floors are sealed within the double bottom floor layout and can these be automatically reconfigured to maintain trim in case of a dramatic shift of cargo and supplies? Is an IT specialty crew employed and do all computer/digitally operated navigational controls redundant? Are the watertight doors of a drop-down configuration? Are main watertight compartments sealed at their tops? How is the exterior, open-air dining area protected against winds when the ship is operating? I assume this area is not employed in rough seas or weather. What is the maximum load draft depth? Is the vessel fueled by Deisel and if so what type? How many lifeboats and how designed, equipped and launched from their side-panelled hull bays. In the case of a severe list; to what degree of listing can they be successfully launched? Where are lifebelts located in case of sudden, catastrophic evacuation? Do watertight, automatic locating (GPS) signals from a foundered or sinking vessel auto-engage for rescue/recovery operations? While this private oceangoing vessel is of beautiful exterior design, and the interior craftsmanship and choice of materials and finishes of extraordinary, aesthetic perfection executed by very evidently trained and talented craftsmen and designers (with my own opinion respectfully finding the aptly named "caviar" glassworks or crystal hanging chandelier that adorns the circular main staircase is a seemingly endless cacophony of descending prisms of constant, moving angles of sharp, angular pin-pricks of light, which would undoubtedly deny the most immune and hardy sailor, despite an overdose of Dimenhydrinate, from maintaining anywhere near the proper functioning of peristalsis required to maintain without incident, the normal digestion of food consumed shortly before. A study of form and function rather than one of form overwhelming function as a basis of the total value.

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