Trimaran Test Sail – Neel 51 – Distant Shores

Trimaran Test Sail - Neel 51 - Distant Shores

Testați navigarea cu un catamaran Neel 51 într-o zi cu vânt în Marea Caraibelor, în largul Panama. James și Eva ne duc în dimineața de navigație interesantă pentru a vedea despre ce sunt trimaranele. Înapoi în port, primim gândurile lui James despre barca lui, după multe mii de mile pe mare. ⛵️ Sail Away Weeks cu Paul și Sheryl Shard 🏝 Alăturați-vă lui Paul și Sheryl pentru o experiență de navigație în cele mai bune destinații de croazieră din lume. Obține o introducere în stilul de viață de navigație, construiește noi abilități, fă-ți noi prieteni cu gânduri asemănătoare! Cabine încă disponibile pentru Insulele Virgine Britanice, 20-28 februarie 2022. #trimaran #neel51 #testsail 00:00 Introducere 00:44 Trimaranul părăsind docul 03:09 Ridicarea pânzei mari pătrate 04:41 Tur al cabinei Neel 51 sub punte 05: 45 Stabilitatea trimaranului navigând rapid 07:49 Tur al camerei tehnice 11:33 Tur al camerei motoarelor 13:24 Neel 51 James Review după mii de mile Echipament: Pantaenius Yacht Insurance: adid=2808 BRNKL Securitate și monitorizare a iahtului: Elicele lui Brunton: Elvstrøm Sails: Seldén Mast / Furlex: https:/ /​ Lewmar: Raymarine: Scanstrut: Navionics Charts: https:/ / GN Espace Ocean Chef: Highfield Classic Gonflabil: Generator Integrel On-Engine: https://www.integrelmarine. com/ MG Energy Systems (baterii cu litiu): Ultra Anchor (35 kg): Înregistrarea iahtului Oceanskies: https://www.oceanskies .com/yachts/ •••••••••••••••••••••• Despre Paul și Sheryl Shard sunt producători și videografi de televiziune de documentare de călătorie premiați, care fac o croazieră internațională din 1989, documentând aventurile lor globale pentru televiziune, rețelele sociale, în cărți și publicații nautice. Ei au navigat peste 110.000 nm, inclusiv 9 traversări oceanice și sunt producătorii și prezentatorii seriei TV de aventură cu navigație Distant Shores, care este difuzată în 47 de milioane de gospodării în 24 de limbi din întreaga lume (AWE, Nautical Channel, ACCTV, ShineTV). Prin programele lor TV, videoclipuri YouTube, articole/bloguri și seminarii de croazieră populare, Shards îi ajută pe oricine visează să navigheze să iasă pe apă și să experimenteze propria aventură în siguranță și confortabil. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cadouri pentru marinari! Dețineți întreaga colecție Distant Shores – Acum la special! Toate cele 157 de episoade complete de jumătate de oră fără reclame ale seriei TV Distant Shores Sailing Adventure sunt disponibile ca descărcări HD și, de asemenea, pe DVD pe site-ul Distant Shores. Obțineți întregul set care este perfect pentru urmărirea excesivă, vindecarea blues-ului și, de asemenea, faceți un cadou grozav pentru marinarul din viața ta! Informații și comandă aici: Versiuni descărcabile: •••••••••••••••••• ••••• Vă puteți conecta cu noi și pe: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: /DistantShoresTV ÎNTREBĂRI DE AFACERI: ••••••••••••••••••••••• MULȚUMESC PENTRU ABONARE!​ •••••••••••••••••••••• Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Sheryl și Paul


50 thoughts on “Trimaran Test Sail – Neel 51 – Distant Shores

  1. Are they still looking for Mr Piver . Trimaran sailing is like riding a horse the load up and then unload. Going fast is great until the great stop into a hole in the ocean. Good luck with the stop the boat stops and you keep going right into a hard surface..Many Thousand sea miles and it is never what you planned for.

  2. “Trimarans point better to windward than catamarans”. No, they dont! It’s a very normal misunderstanding, but still, there’s absolutely nothing to support this. It’s all about what priorities have been governing the design of each boat. The Neels have a wee bit more performance oriented choices, especially in the rig, than the normal cruising cats today, which are mostly pure motor sailors, very little or no focus on performance. Also, most owners tend to mindlessly load them to the rim, which will kill whatever was of performance.

    Windward pointing ability is decided by total efficiency of the boat and rig. Multis get much more power from their rig due to the higher stability compared with monos. On the other hand, cruising multis have two hulls in the water and a lot more windage all over. The windage and water drag are pointing killers. Since multis have extremely narrow hulls, compared to length, they can much easier get to higher speed. They generate a much lower wave and don’t need to “plane” to pass the “hull speed”. This means that multis normally will increase their VMG, (advancement straight to windward) by pointing a bit lower. Especially with medium to strong wind, well sailed multis, even cruising cats, will normally dramatically outperform similar size and type monos to windward. That’s because the rig power and hull speed benefits become more dominant than the extra drag. Pure racing multis, also cats, will outperform pure racing monohulls upwind also in quite light wind, but not in drifting conditions. An extreme racing cat can even point higher than a similar mono a the same speed, if tactically needed, but it’s faster to drop say 10 degrees to double or triple the speed. Extreme racers are always max efficient. No waste of energy.

    I’ve sailed lots of pure racing multihulls of all types the last 30 years, both cats and tris (and monos). Extreme racing tris are a bit easier to handle than similar cats, as the tri has a more gradual reaction at power up, while the cat will suddenly lift the windward hull and be more erratic. Also it’s easier to keep a tight rig on a tri, since it has a hull in the middle to take the massive loads. Which is also explaining why it’s easier to make a tri wider, giving it more righting moment, more power. Those three are the main reasons why we see a preference for tris among big multis. In cruising, where the windward hull should never leave the water and rig power is decided from safety and handling parameters, none of those reasons are even slightly relevant.

  3. Why not a saildrive on an exploration sailboat? Some yachts, like Allures, have a shallow keel aft of the centerboard to protect it.

  4. I like this boat A LOT, but it seems cheap, crude or inadequate in some fashion to have a braided nylon(?) line running from the wheel to the quadrant. I am, not an expert but it seems like it would be sloppy, imprecise and otherwise inadequate for precision steering. Wouldn't steel cable be better?

  5. I do love and desire the sailing performance, speed and stability of a tri-hull. But my most serious complaint is that they do not provide the wonderous ambiance of a true sailing vessel. Compare any multihull interior with the nautical elegance of a Hylas 49 or 54/56. The Hylas' (NOT THE NEW ONES) look like yachts, but the multihulls look like they were furnished by Motel Six, low end contractors or at best IKEA. They are not elegant, romantic, nautical or even reasonably yachtish. Yuck! Am I the only one? Starship on the outside, Captain Jack Sparrow on the inside?

  6. It's important to note that trimerans are between cats and monos but can vary wildly between.

    The one in this video is way closer a cat due to the size of the outter hulls compared to the center hull.
    Weight really isn't as much of a issue on like it is on a cat depending on how yours is set up, the tris that are closer to a monohull of course act more like a monohull for weight.

  7. Thx. for the video. For a person like me who is totally new to sailing but fascinated by the idea of sailing around the world, how long do you think it will take to learn a boat like Neel51 ?

  8. Anyone know what the hull build quality is like on the Neels? I hear mixed things about them, but for layout, comfort, speed and access to manage your systems. Not sure any of the production catamarans can beat it. Of course my opinion is all based upon watching youtube reviews.

  9. The description of the video says "Test sailing a Neel 51 Catamaran" …..and then showing a trimaran in the video. Catamaran are – as far as I know – 2 hull vessels. But further down in the description they suddenly call it a trimaran (a 3 hull vessel – as it really is). Is that what one can call being a bit confused…???

  10. Wouldn't a catamaran go just as fast if it had the same weight and width? The trimaran only has two of its hulls in the water at the time anyway when going fast…

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