Navigare pentru prima dată | Catamaran Sailing 101

Navigare pentru prima dată |  Catamaran Sailing 101

NAVIGĂM!!!! Asta e corect. Am luat o lecție de navigație 101 de la tatăl Tarei și, practic, suntem profesioniști în navigație acum. Așadar, familia Tarei a deschis o companie de croazieră charter numită Stevens Charter, iar una dintre bărcile din flotă este un catamaran. Deoarece eram deja în Texas pentru un festival de film, am decis că este un moment grozav să ne oprim și să învățăm o nouă abilitate. Se pare că navigarea este grea. Adică… este practic știință rachetă. Să începem doar cu conceptul de „lift” și modul în care acesta mișcă de fapt o barcă înainte… ASTA a avut nevoie de mai multe conversații și încă nu suntem siguri că am înțeles. (Puțin mai mult vânt ar fi putut ajuta… sau poate ne-ar fi ucis.) DAR Orice! Putem mișca acel băț cu abilități nebune. Dacă sunteți în căutarea unui echipaj, suntem pregătiți pentru asta


24 thoughts on “Navigare pentru prima dată | Catamaran Sailing 101

  1. All the sailing jargon and terminology made my head hurt, too! But it looked like you both got it, and the sailing looked good! I'm sure there are sailing clubs in the L.A. area …

  2. The hardest sailing I have ever done was sailing in light wind!!! And convening guests that u can NOT sail directly into the wind…The response was always….'but that's the direction we want to go.' my response: we'll tack and still get there!!

  3. Great video and a very educational one too. I had no idea that sailing was so complicated. I’ve always lived on or near the shore and I grew ip on boats, but they were always motorboats. Now, I wish I had access to a sailboat so I could really learn how to do all of that.

  4. Looks fun!!!
    I'm in Michigan, can't believe I haven't tried this myself. You can't go 5 miles w/o running into a body of water here.
    Your Dad's a good instructor. Great to see people getting outside and enjoying the world. So many people are terrified
    and won't leave their house.
    God bless and keep you and your families.

  5. I thought Tara's dad did a great job explaining lift and how it made a difference in the way that catamarans worked. Granted I didn't have to then translate it into practical knowledge against multiple moving parts, but still. Kudos to Tara's dad!

    Also I feel like I got a sunburn just by watching this. 😀

  6. Sail Math Is Hard! Tara, your Dad is awesome. Congratulations to the students and the teacher. Utah Yacht Club? Seriously, most excellent ladies! Oh Tara Dad is Cool!

  7. Wonderful episode!!! Natalie, probably a good thing we can't see your eyes at 5:05, but I'm pretty sure that's a 1000 yard stare 🙂 Probably would have helped the whole learning experience had Zephyr the wind god been helping out a bit more. But I'm thinking this was a great introduction to sailing, with a patient instructor and a good platform to learn on. You'll both be ready for it next time out!

  8. I'm not sure why people feel compelled to say that they enjoy sailing, it's a lot of work with very few moments of enjoyment if you're the one doing the actual work. Get a jetski and you'll never look back.

  9. That sailboat makes me want a pontoon. So much less work.

    Also, thank you Mr Stevens for being such a great teacher and keeping these remarkable women safe.

  10. Welcome home, what a great time of year to be on the lake here in Austin! Definitely better if you're actually in the water, however! So glad to know your family has that business – we just might partake sometime. Nice to meet your dad – what a knowledgeable man!! Very fun episode. What else are you two up to while here in Texas, eh?

  11. As someone who lives in a place where the sea is rarely as forgiving as this one was, I must say: Where was your safety gear! 😛

  12. Tara, your Dad knows his stuff!!!!

    If you two are ever in North Texas/DFW & you feel like shooting something that's a hundred years old, somethings, I have several, feel free to give me a shout.
    I Am photogenic!😉
    Well, I haven't broken any cameras lately.🤣

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