Iubesc Pilothouses! Acest Slocum 43 Pilothouse nu face excepție de la asta și cred că următorul proprietar al acestei bărci va fi foarte fericit. A avea poziția de cârmă interioară după părerea mea este crucială pe o navă de croazieră ca aceasta. Asta, împreună cu aspectul, fac din această barcă un crucișător de apă albastră extrem de confortabil și capabil. Ce crezi? Lasă un comentariu mai jos. ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––– Preț cerut: 99.000 USD Informații de contact ale brokerului : Derek Escher 954-589-2343 Mai multe informații: http://sailinghelia.weebly.com/boat.html https://justcatamarans.net/monohull-listing/1987-slocum-pilothouse-43-helia/ –- ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––– Asigurați-vă că luați o decizie informată cu privire la următoarea dvs. barcă cu acest instrument: http://sailingsoulianis.com/shop/ltl-boat-buying-dashboard/ –––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––– Vă rugăm să vă alăturați echipajului nostru Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/learningthelines Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/learningthelines/ Instagram: https ://www.instagram.com/learningthelines/ ––––––––––––– –– ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––– Invatarea Lines este un canal despre noi, un cuplu mediu de 20 de ani, cu vise mari de a naviga prin lume până la 30 de ani. Nu ne este frică să ne aruncăm în nimic, să muncim și să învățăm pe măsură ce mergem. Am început cu Somnium, un O’day 272, ne-am mutat pe Freebie, un Endeavour 32, iar acum ne concentrăm pe excursii cu barca cu pânze și lucrăm cu normă întreagă ca profesori în timp ce economisim pentru următoarea noastră barcă. Vă rugăm să lăsați un like și un comentariu dacă v-a plăcut videoclipul și să vă abonați dacă nu ați făcut-o deja.
Este acesta crucișătorul de familie PERFECT care nu sparge banca? [Full Tour] Învățarea liniilor
![Este acesta crucișătorul de familie PERFECT care nu sparge banca? [Full Tour] Învățarea liniilor](https://sailingtv.ro/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/1677522585_maxresdefault.jpg)
23 thoughts on “Este acesta crucișătorul de familie PERFECT care nu sparge banca? [Full Tour] Învățarea liniilor”
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Your boat is amazing and your talent is amazing. I'm fascinated by your boat. I also want to take your boat around in the middle of the sea.
What a beauty.
In my opinion, if this boat was a keel-stepped mast it would change the boat completely in my eyes. I know people sail deck-stepped all the time. However, I feel deck-stepped honestly prevents newer sailers from growing into the boat. I personally would never sail out to Hawaii or across the Atlantic on a deck-stepped mast. I think a lot of cruisers will sail the islands and coast for a couple years, then the desire to see more of the world comes calling. This is what I mean by growing into the boat.
One should not have to sell and buy another boat just to broaden their horizon. If you know for sure you will never get the bug to sail and see more of the planet then this boat is okay.
I'm not one that thinks, you have to have a full or modified keel to bluewater sail. However. I do think the boat should be rated for bluewater, having a skeg-hung rutter and keel stepped mast, these are 3 important things one needs if growing into the boat and sailing is possible.
I have seen quite a few large chunks of wood and other material out on the water that can play hell on a rudder. Deck stepped is just too much risk once you start moving off the coast. I know everyone says just check the weather and plan. You can not plan for more than 4 days the weather is just not that accurate. So if you sailing on a 2-3 week bluewater trip. You can not rely on what the weather says it is going to be for that long of a period of time. Therefore. The boat must be able to handle what is impossible to plan for. JMO
Don't get me wrong I know you can cross an ocean in a garbage can or 5ft boat, However, one thing people don't think of, once you have someone on board that you love, someone you would die for, taking an unnecessary risk with the life of others, just doesn't seem right. With all the options out there today just making the choice on a different boat can open up a lot of opportunities as you grow into sailing. Again it's just my opinion and if this is the right boat for you. Have a great time!
You have a bigger bank than I do apparently
was that the bilge pump i heard at about 7 minutes ?
Stop saying "dirt cheap" and "doesn't break the bank" when talking about boats that are almost 100,000 dollars. Ridiculous.
Portable shower, use a pump spray with nozzle attached; draw string shower curtain around a plastic cement mix tub; compost toilet 5 gal bucket with seat. Viola … what $30 bucks and visitors are happy. stow it.
how much does a boat like this cost? its what I want
Great layout of the boat.
Awesome boat. Perhaps I missed it but how much is it going for?
What was the asking price?
When you have all the lines going back to the wheel house, is there a term for it? Or is that something that can be added to any sailboat for solo sailing? mahalo!
Stepping aboard from where?
1:15 haha
Nice boat
Sure will break my bank.
Why doesnt everyone have a pilot house? It just seems like a no brainer?
Don't have to put up a sail with all that garbage on the aft boat end! MY GOD!
Did you buy it? I learn something every day. Thanks!
How much?
Is the keel steel/iron or led encapsulated?