„The Race” este documentarul despre cursa Chicago Yacht Club către Mackinac de la început până la sfârșit, dar, mai important, experiența reală a cursei, așa cum a spus nenumărații concurenți, sa transformat în „reporter la bord” pentru a ajuta T2PTV Sailing on Demand să spună povestea acestei curse veche de 112 ani. Tradițiile, vechi și noi, provocarea și gama de condiții explică de ce familiile de la bordul acestor bărci sunt legate de sânge, sudoare și bucurie.
A 112-a cursă de la Chicago Yacht Club la Mackinac, prezentată de Wintrust – THE RACE

11 thoughts on “A 112-a cursă de la Chicago Yacht Club la Mackinac, prezentată de Wintrust – THE RACE”
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Great coverage by T2PTV. We enjoy your camera work, commentary, and good music at the right sound level.
Great videography that captures the heart and soul of a sailing classic!
Spectacular job capturing the story of the whole experience! Well done!!
Best Mac documentary I've seen. For anyone who wants to know about the experience – this is all you need to watch. Well done Ashley!
Thank you Ashley! (And Lloyd)…Good capture of the 112th CYC Race to Mackinac for our friends ashore.
Nice to hear a tribute to JOAN MIARECKI. With all the discussions about influential women in sailing, it seems her contributions have been flushed down the memory hole.
She was the Fleet Captain of LMSRF Area 3 in 1990! Back when Greg was a four year old, bed wetting, preschooler.
But where is the PRO? Why were there all those "funky" alternative penalties that caused so much gnashing of teeth among those who BROKE THE RULES?
The 112th Chicago Yacht Club Race to Mackinac serves as Helle's 47th Mac Race as a member of the Chicago Yacht Club Race Committee. Longtime CYC member Helle serves on the Race to Mac Committee, and has volunteered in multiple roles over the years for various racing events, such as PRO and DRO for our Verve Cup Regattas, the Sailing World Chicago NOOD Regattas, our Power Fleet Navigational Rallies and Predicted Log events, as well as numerous others. Come Fall, Helle oversees the Mac trophies and flags at the official Prize Giving Ceremony for the Chicago Race to Mac held each November.
In the winter months, Helle serves on the St. Pete Yacht Club Race Committee in various roles, as well as other committees and volunteer posts and is active in her community and local ladies clubs.
The Chicago Yacht Club is extremely grateful for Helle's leadership on the race course, her passion for the water and dedication to the success of our signature event, the Chicago Yacht Club Race to Mackinac, "America's Offshore Challenge".
Now if only Jeanne (not Joanne) Ehrenberg would say the name ED KRSTOLICH on camera.
Nice Job Evvai!!
I won the Bay/Mac in 97 as a sail trimmer on Eagle One. Was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I was paralyzed a couple years after that and sailing is one of the things I miss most. The party at the end was better than any Key West race week parties and those were epic.
I made this post before finishing the video and was surprised to see my old captain and his latest Eagle One winning this one. I miss it dearly and would give just about anything for another ride.
Congrats and Semper Fi to Tim and crew for another dominating win
3:10 yeah but you can't slag off any new comer until YOU can pronounce the name of the island correctly.
Stable fly's SUCK……..your blood…….literally!!!