Coperta mea acustică din Sailing de Christopher Cross. Nu uitați să apăsați butonul de like, să lăsați un comentariu, să distribuiți prietenilor și vă rugăm să vă abonați pentru mai multe videoclipuri viitoare. Vă mulțumesc mult tuturor pentru dragoste și sprijin. Dumnezeu să vă binecuvânteze și să fiți în siguranță.
Navigare (copertă acustică) – Christopher Cross

26 thoughts on “Navigare (copertă acustică) – Christopher Cross”
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nice guitar tuning. good job
Really lovely – yes this should have more views and shares
Great and real musicality
Brilliant !!!
Hi Neyosi,
I'm Shannon from Sydney, Australia. I have a little family channel on YouTube
I've just seen your song Sailing, by Christopher Cross. It is hauntingly beautiful!
I wanted to ask you if you would allow my family to use it during our sailing with friends segment we are going to film? Of course, I would acknowledge you as the artist and link you in the video description.
Please let me know if this is OK, and if there would be any copyright issues?
Thank you so much
Tuning? Awesome version
So far lahat ng napanood ko sa videos mo ay nagustuhan ko and I even recommended it to my friends
Yes, that felt good.
WTF___? this guy is awesome
Amazing! You are great! You deserve a stage every day to sing and play, and get us excited! I love west coast music (sophisticated pop) and you deserve a place among all the great artists there. Congratulations! I will listen all your covers
Such a beautiful performance. both vocal and musical! Thanks!
Woah! Incredible. Great sound quality too! Well done
Neyosi, this is PHENOMENAL!! I take lessons from a world-renown Celtic Guitarist. We are going over this song in OPEN D tuning…. It sounds like you are using open D until I see you playing the chord changes. Are you using a different tuning from open D?? Best regards, Dennis
Yenosi, is there any way I could get the tablature of the first 8 intro chords?? I realize that this is time spent for you, so I'd be happy to pay (maybe PayPal). I might be able to pick out a few, but no way I could get them all. You must have a BOSS guitar synthesizer you are using because it sounds AMAZING!!!
Thanks again!
very good voice, because with acustic solo very dificult,.. good job
Love your passion man – it shines through.
Incrível, sua música chegou ao Brasil
Giant.pure talent
So good to listen
Much more please
Thanks so much
Wooowwwww just wooooowwww
i got Goosebumps ang galing nyo sir. ganda ng boses
Best cover ever
Can u put the guitar chord
This is one of the best covers ever. I love this as he doesn't have any unnecessary vibration.

Love it, just fantastic!