Astăzi, 97% din răpirile pe mare au loc în Golful Guineei, făcând din această regiune punctul fierbinte al pirateriei din lume. Dar de ce prosperă pirateria în aceste ape? Consultați playlistul VICE World News pentru rapoarte globale pe care nu le veți găsi în altă parte: Vizionați mai multe din această serie: Mafia agricolă a Europei /watch?v=3AaGUYzp3J8 Templul care a declanșat un conflict armat Războiul de braconaj al WWF ucide oameni nevinovați v=9J6iJg6NUOA&t=228s Abonează-te la VICE News aici: Consultați VICE News pentru mai multe: Urmărește VICE News aici: Facebook: https:/ / Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: Mai multe videoclipuri din rețeaua VICE: https :// #VICENews #News
Pirații sunt sălbatici în largul coastei Africii de Vest | Eroare de sistem
32 thoughts on “Pirații sunt sălbatici în largul coastei Africii de Vest | Eroare de sistem”
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international maritime law is stupid cos it allows pirates to run the show
What would happen if africans go fish in china seas…they'll just get arrested immediately. Not fair
The pirates need to punished and all of Africa should be educated so you don’t have monkeys like these aboarding ships , look at what type of people pirates are and there is your answer
These big oil companies need to be held financially accountable for the destruction they cause to the local environment. Not by pirates but they should have to pay fines or be forced to have programs setup to restore the local environments they hurt. To think that people will just accept the destruction of their land and lives without repercussions is crazy.
Send in the drones and blown them out of the water!
Maybe if their lively hood wont get destroyed and their land plundered by greedy rich ppl they won't need to get despetrate. Responding with military forces is not the solution even the blind can see that. Infuriating.
At least their not going into schools and shooting students
I bet they’d never tried this on a US navy, Russia or china ship 😃👍🏽
Corrupt countries that cannot manage their oil fields in a positive way should be oil embargoed imo, only way to fix it
The oil company could share of some if their profits, even a couple millions dollars could have a huge impact
Damn this reminds me of what happened in the Somalia sea the fishermen got their fish’s stolen by bigger ships from around the world and they polluted the water honestly i hope they defend their land I understand their struggle
If your company can’t survive to do business outside in a reasonable manner then it should die. Shell needs to be held accountable for destabilizing entire populations
We are the pirates, they only wants survive
“Look at me! Look at me!…I’m the captain now”
kinda late but shell actually pays most of the pirates or people to sabotage their pipelines and to take over their boats.
I’m sorry but this is an a legitimate reason.. Billionaire dollar oil companies come in a mess with people livelihoods. They don’t even give the locals jobs either & they take away the one thing they make $ to survive & feed their families.
whats the bloody navies have been doing there. Why dont pirate failed to destroy the navy vessels
May I ask what is the name of the gun shown in the thumbnail?Looks like an heavy Mg.
I ain’t even mad at em
keep the f'n EU and China fishing outta their waters… period
just nuke them omg
the gov and this companies are the real criminals, its a joke they make up as the pirates are the reason for the problem! THIS COMPANIES AND GOV MUST gO TO JAIL CANCER OF THE WORLD
They should use war drones to blow up the pirates on sea & hunt them down to their camps and carpet bomb them.
Quit fucn around and give the mini boats a flying grenade
How can five clowns take over 100 sailors???
Get some fucn BALLS CAPTAINS
These pirates will never be stopped. Someone in London is making way too much money from the threats they pose to ships. I wouldn't be surprised if they're actually sponsoring these pirates.
Cowards cover their faces
Coward equals scared = not a man
Its funny that everyone said its oil company who caused these priate to be exist, but missed the fact that, its governmet allowing them to farm the oil without caring the environement. What is more funny is that the UN should force its member to restrict the oil company to be too "flexiable", but maybe they also got some of the cake too. Talking about SDGs smh….
Still. If pirates show, you should kill them. The pil companies may be to blame, but their actions towards civilians are unacceptable. Shoot to kill. They made the choice to kill you.
The truth is these pirates simply have no choice than to turn to piracy. There’s a video about this on a channel called free doc bites, interviewing pirates. I don’t like how it’s showing these guys as bad and nothing else.
so stop arresting these people. If you kill everyone onboard the pirate ship, word will spread. Attacks should be met with lethal force. Stop being so nice. Perhaps raid them and see how they like it. I would pay to see a pirate ship light up like a christmas tree….with hot lead.
How hard is it to commission a few armed guards on board one of these ships?