Hallberg-Rassy 43 navigând în Norvegia (partea 2)

Hallberg-Rassy 43 navigând în Norvegia (partea 2)

Am navigat de la Lillesand la Tvedestrand, de aici la Risør. Am vrut să navigam din Risør în Suedia, dar nu aveam suficient vânt. Deci, am navigat spre Stavern. De la Stavern am navigat spre Insulele Koster. Următorul: navigație în Suedia Salutări, Niels & Marloes Windfinder Hallberg-Rassy 43


4 thoughts on “Hallberg-Rassy 43 navigând în Norvegia (partea 2)

  1. Have been sailing in that SE coat area of Norway some 13 to 15 times. We are from Copenhagen. First time was in 1983, we paid no harbour fee, harbour toilets was almost not existing then, and also almost no Norwegian sailors there back then. Getting a bath one had to visit a hotel. :-). Our latest visit was 2010.
    It is a top area for sailors. Thx for bringing me back.

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