Spadă pentru bărbați pentru scrimă, medalie de aur individuală | Reluări de la Tokyo

Spadă pentru bărbați pentru scrimă, medalie de aur individuală |  Reluări de la Tokyo

📲 Abonați-vă la @olympics: Franța Romain Cannone a avut jocurile vieții sale învingându-l pe campionul mondial ungar Gergeley Siklosi în finala epeei individuale masculine de la Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokyo 2020. Un outsider de un an, care își făcea debutul olimpic, a preluat de la început comanda competiției, mergând cu 2-0 înainte ca numărul unu mondial, Siklósi, să marcheze un punct. Rezultatul final a fost 15-10. ________________________________________________________ 🇨🇳 #Beijing2022 reluări: 🇯🇵 #Tokyo2020 reluări: 🗞️ Știri din lumea olimpică:


43 thoughts on “Spadă pentru bărbați pentru scrimă, medalie de aur individuală | Reluări de la Tokyo

  1. Change this boaring rules make sport fensing in another area for example in little square or round area we some times do this experiments with epee and have a lot of fun new technics and mouvments.

  2. やはりミッションインポッシブルでトムクルーズが初めて顔を出す場面にも良いですよね。

  3. 22:29 Coach over here sounding like the Werehog losing a life.

    Anyway, while I was rooting for Siklosi (due to the green color of his helmet), Cannone did an impressive job, here. His style can best be described as aggressive and lightning-fast, and the fact that he won a Gold Medal at his first Olympic Games is an incredible feat!

  4. ok I looked this up hoping to find something to show why it was in the Olympics and was disappointed this looks like any one can do it without any training whatsoever.

  5. Who's decision was it to play star wars music at the beginning? Were they thinking "They're clanging swords together. THIS IS JUST LIKE STAR WARS!!!"

  6. How stupid this looks now with the masks and more so the face guards .. like a bit of perspex in front of you face was going to stop an airborne virus … so silly

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