Am fost atât de norocoși să navigăm pe Mediterana de peste un an, dar săptămâna aceasta se apropie de sfârșit. Încheiem sezonul în Turcia, o țară frumoasă care este atât de des uitată sau neînțeleasă. Navigam pe coasta pe ruta spre Marmaris unde o ridicam pe Kawai si o iernam pana ne intoarcem din Australia. Începem prin a naviga de la Didim, unde ne adunăm actele de la agentul nostru, până în orașul pitoresc Akyarla, unde ne petrecem o după-amiază răcoroasă savurând câteva beri cu vedere la frumosul oraș. Ne bucurăm de o masă tradițională turcească la un restaurant local și postăm un nou videoclip în timp ce mâncăm (folosind wifi-ul restaurantului). Cu niște vânturi puternice, ne îndreptăm spre Ciflik, la 88nm de Akyarla și facem zig-zag între multe dintre insulele grecești pe care le ancorasem anterior. Este un moment dulce-amărui, deoarece este ultima noastră vele din sezon, dar un pas mai aproape de a ne revedea familia și prietenii în Australia. Kawai își va petrece timpul la Marmaris Yacht Marina, așa că ancoram afară și sortăm lucrările înainte de a pregăti barca pentru lift. Coborăm pânzele și navigația noastră se termină pentru o vreme. Despre noi: Numele noastre sunt Jason și Tracey și ne-am schimbat casa, mașinile, afacerile, locul de muncă și securitatea pentru libertate, aventură, călătorii și viață pur și simplu printre natură și mări pe barca noastră cu vele Hanse 445 de 45 de picioare, Kawai. Nu știm exact unde ne vor duce vânturile în această etapă, dar pe parcursul anului viitor sperăm să navigam spre Turcia, Grecia, Muntenegru, Croația. Lui Jase îi place să facă videoclipuri de călătorie și am decis să încărcăm pe YouTube pentru a ne împărtăși aventura. Sperăm cu adevărat să vă placă și nu ezitați să ne lăsați un comentariu oricând pentru a discuta sau a vă abona pentru a urmări Facebook Instagram Jason: … Tracey:… Muzică: 1. Trezire într-o altă zi, Ten Towers 2. Secrete ascunse 3. Dragoste pentru Ocean Vă mulțumim că vizionați Jason și Tracey Sailing Kawai
40. Navigarea pe coasta Turciei | Marmaris | Turcia | Navigand pe Mediterana | Sailing Kawai

27 thoughts on “40. Navigarea pe coasta Turciei | Marmaris | Turcia | Navigand pe Mediterana | Sailing Kawai”
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I missed both your smiles , and the joy of sailing that just glows from the vlog
Terrific seeing your smiling faces again. Keep safe and well.
"Tracey, you look so…" And I thought you were going to say "Beautiful", but no – smug ! You unromantic Aussie Bloke !!!!
Ciftlik is beautiful. I have called in there 3 times, once with Katie who was 12 at the time. Great food and hospitality )
Was strange watching your footage of Marmaris Yacht Marina ! Was October 2019 when I winterised 'Time Out' there. None of us knew it would be 3 years (hopefully) before we would return !
Looking forward to meeting you both there next year )
Your back on the Tube
Any other sailors stuck due to covid? Where is your boat?
Next time in Marmaris, is really worth a stop in Ciftlik at Deniz Restaurant. Fresh bread made in the wood fire oven by Mrs Durdan is just fantastic. Nice mooring, safe, water and electricity free but mostly the people. Hope we will meet at some point sailing in Meds waters. Greetings from Oxford
Wow bloody Wow… I'm Sad but happy… BUT! frekin sad on this vid…Every time one of your vids pops up its usually after Serap and I have had a few beers or a wine and we're setlin back to watch some telly great timing lol….Anyway hearing ya say y'all be on the hard for a little while breaks my heart knowing what we know now. The Rona changed our course of life and it frekin sux. Hope kawai is being looked after by the Marmaris mob. They seemed pretty organised down there. Guys I hope ya can get back to your boat sooner rather than later you must be going mad not knowing when ya can return. Stay safe you salty dogs and good luck. Pete and Serap.
Still watching. Best Peter
Loved it well done and thanks.
Can't wait till you're back there making more videos in 2022.
We left Greece same time as you…who'd have thought we'd not make it back for two years? All the best Hugh
you are back ! so good to see you two.
Love this video!!
Can't wait till we are in the med looking for the right boat to live our dream before we are too late
Great to have you back. Your content is splendid.
BTW. What year is your H445?
Great video. I have a couple of questions. 1. Why did you choose that Marina? Is it cheaper to keep a boat on the hard in Turkey than other countries in the Med? 2. Why did you not return to your Yacht in 2020 or 2021? I think you can get out with permission from the worlds biggest jail but getting back is not so easy. Uncertain times for sure. Looking forward to your adventures when you finally escape.
Great to have you back with this video
Currently suffering through Level 4 lockdown in NZ , not even allowed in to the marina to visit out yacht , let alone sail it .
Look forward to your next video update .
Good to see you both back on the tube
Thank you for this update! We have wondered how you are doing in Australia, and how soon we might see you sailing again. Be well!
So good to see you on You Tube again. It has invigorated us again after a two year 'break' on starting our dream and following your footsteps (wind). All good as good things have happen here in Aus but we are all vaxed up and ready to go! Very heartening to see you also think early 2022 will be the time. We found your first vid. informative around the purchase process and wish to thank you for sharing all your information. All the best, hope to see you over there.
So happy to see you guys! Just wish you were over here in the med on your sweet Kawai. Hope you are both happy, healthy and safe. Those Australian borders will open soon and your sailing days will start up in a jiffy. Hope to see you both in 2022 as we head west!
I see you published this at the beginning of September, but you are dressed for winter. Was it already that cold ?
When are you guys going back? Cant wait to see more of your trip… TR is open border and covid is not that bad, eveyones having a good time there accept for us down in NZ lol
Really enjoyed your series, hopefully I'll join you if my aspirations become achievable. Looking forward to following your next journeys
Hope this message finds you well. We are a cruising couple sailing Croatian coast for the last year or so on our newly purchased sailboat Sea Bee. We plan on a passage to Turkey upcoming season. Not sure when/if you are planning on getting back on Kawai but if things work out it would be awesome to meet you two and exchange stories over cold beer. Best
Hi, I am I Mamaris and noticed your boat on the hard, do you know when you will return? Can send you a picture if you would like.
I hope to see you both in the Med summer of 22.
I just found your channel and am now a subscribers a very good vidio hope there are lots more to come thanks for sharing
Hi jason when are you posting next