Dimensiuni sfâșietoare în Panama – Ep. 79 Thula Sailing

Dimensiuni sfâșietoare în Panama - Ep.  79 Thula Sailing

Navigarea în jurul lumii și a afla despre soarta oamenilor noi pe care îi întâlnim poate fi foarte emoționant – mai ales în așa-numitele „porturi hub” unde se iau decizii care schimbă viața și se reunesc oameni din întreaga lume pentru o anumită perioadă de timp. . Shelter Bay Marina este un astfel de „port hub”, deoarece oamenii traversează un continent cu barca, apoi părăsesc toate disponibilitățile, acum fiind dependenți de ei în Pacific. Alții se întorc peste Marea Caraibelor, deseori agitată. De asemenea, nu este la fel de ușor, motiv pentru care unii marinari – mai ales din cauza Covid – își îngroapă aici visul de a naviga în jurul lumii. Și apoi mai apar oameni la care nu te-ai aștepta aici – ca o femeie tradițională, indigenă Kuna, care își revarsă inima. Întâlniri nu la fel de ușor de înghițit, dar care te pun pe gânduri. 🌟Janna nu purta mască 😷 din cauza faptului că tocmai primisem rezultatele negative ale testelor Covid necesare înainte de plecarea din Bahama. Doamna a fost întrebată în prealabil dacă este în regulă pentru ea, Janna doar ascultând la 2 locuri distanță. 🌺Mulțumiri speciale pentru prietenul nostru Merle Meierhöfer care ajută la traducerile în spaniolă din jumătatea lumii! 1000 Dank Merle, du bist ein Schatz! *Nu există garanții pentru corectitudinea 100%. Sprijină-ne prin: www.patreon.com/thulasailing www.thulasailing.de


20 thoughts on “Dimensiuni sfâșietoare în Panama – Ep. 79 Thula Sailing

  1. Greetings from Canada. Another great vlog so many topics and sights. Your interview of the 63 yr old lady was amazing and completed so tastefully. It was obvious she had never been asked to talk about her life before her emotion was palpable eye opening conversation. That was a better interview/conversation than most journalists would complete, very well done.
    Unfortunate you are unable to visit Mexico but I'm sure there will be another trip across the Atlantic westward sometime. No doubt you will make the most of your time in the Bahama's cant wait to those video's. Safe travels.

  2. The video was very well done as usual. Thank you for that. I feel I must have my say though. The interview with the Kuna woman left me appalled at your maskless behavior. She feels vulnerable and is wearing a mask and I would say her age makes COVID dangerous for her. You might have decided to respect her by protecting her by wearing a mask.

  3. Another awesome video, thank you!
    Mein erst gesproch ist deutsch, my second is English, e el kasige es espanol….. I would fit right in!
    Are you taking passengers? Just kidding. I am (almost) too busy to even watch.
    I lived in Mexico for a while, and never got used to all the poverty. If I ever have a lot of money, I will spend it there. In the meantime, I try to go every year with the One Mission group, to build a house for the poor. They are a wonderful people, with an awful government.(not that ours is much better)
    Thank you for your upload, stay happy, and safe!

  4. Another authenic Thula-Sailing-Video❗ Thanks for the sentimental interview with the Kuna-Woman😥…
    …and Thanks also for showing the very good visualized beginning of your adventures crossing the Caribian-Sea and later on the Atlantic Ocean.

  5. There are millions around the world in this lady's position because of the government response to covid. I hope these people get some compensation when this crime against humanity is finally brought to trial

  6. This was my first look at one of your videos. I enjoyed it very much, especially the interview. As tourist visiting other countries we have a tendency to want to buy local crafts and items like her materials but we want to talk them down in price when in reality the quality most often is superb and worth much more then what they are asking. Well done.

  7. 🇨🇦 “Elimination of Extreme wealth and Extreme Poverty” could be done overnight!
    When 94% of the World’s wrath is owned by the 1% of of its people and they control the political and economical situations, it is Crimes against Humanity!
    One Planet 🌎
    One People
    Let’s work together.

  8. I am so so impressed. About the way you communicate with people you meet. In respect and curiousity. This is how we learn from each other. And your background info too. This woman will stay in my heart. Another fantastic episode from you Thula sailing. Thank you.

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