Am avut multe discuții dacă ar trebui să ne vindem barca sau doar să adăugăm niște clopote și fluiere pentru a o face puțin mai confortabilă. Astăzi testăm cum este să navighezi cu alte bărci, pentru a vedea ce ne place și ce nu în alte ambarcațiuni. Astăzi navigăm spre Fuik Baai în Curacao cu barca prietenilor noștri Brooke și Gary, One Life. Ne întâlnim cu prietenii noștri care locuiesc aici pe insulă, Steve și Denyse, și fac un grătar. Vom lua o plimbare înapoi cu ei cu barca lor Kikuta. Vezi cât de diferită este barca noastră de a lor. One Life: Lui Kikuta îi place să trăiască în afara rețelei
Ar trebui să ne vindem barca? sau Ține-o? | Beau and Brandy Sailing

23 thoughts on “Ar trebui să ne vindem barca? sau Ține-o? | Beau and Brandy Sailing”
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Well don't sell it for one that has a stink engine for sure.
If you decide to sell/buy ..
There are 2 monohulls for sale here in Vista Mar marina in Panama. Both greatboats. (And a catamaran..) let me know if you want more info. Ps: I'm not a broker or getting anything from telling you this !!
I think you really have too much emotion invested in a boat. You must put safety ahead of all emotion and remove it from the equation. You should look to the future. For island hopping in the Caribbean you are probably fine. For greater distances you should really reconsider. Finally, consider comfort. If life is a chore, why get up in the morning? There are too many good boats out there for pretty much every budget to let emotion prevent you from advancing you dream.
Sell that Booze Cruizer !
I bet finding parts for that boat would be neir to in possible
Get a Pearson 424 . Much more space . There’s one on pop yacht for 40 but I’d offer 15 grand. It will clean up . It’s in Bear Delaware close to Annapolis . All the parts you need there.
Not all mainsails are that difficult to wench up and down. Our mainsail furler used to be as difficult as the one on One Life. We replaced all the ropes and all of the rollers, and serviced the wenches and it now rolls so much easier!
The gap between the lead and fiberglass wasnt a gap back in the day it was a layer of sand. They poured the lead into a sand mold so it would cure and over time as water came in the sand leaked out so that is where the void came from. Good luck this is all normal but alot of work.
Keep her!!
We love this video! You did such a great job of showing how different boats can be. Love you tons and can't wait for you to be back on the water.
I am happy that you are seriously considering another boat. For God's sake please sell your boat….
Protip…raising a main shouldn't stress the halyards that much – I would make sure your boomvang and mainsheet are eased before raising it. Love you guys!
Hi my loves. Don’t give up your home sweet home unless the ocean gods say so… I agree our lil home is our baby and I can’t think of giving her up unless I pass her on to our kids or grandkid to carry on…

Life’s short love eachother and enjoy the journeys together…
All our love to yous !!!
Too much major stuff has happened. You almost sank at sea. She has served you faithfully but for your own safety and peace of mind and having more years you need to find a suitable replacement. Over time all the bandaids cost more and more than a vessel in better shape.
Yum yum on the food
That furler boom is not in good condition. It should work very easy and I think it needs some fat or oil
Newer boats are easier to sail and more comfortable. Comparing with a 1984 boat does not make sense.
glad you are keeping your boat. i have done the exact same thing look at larger boats. then realize how much more load and strength these take. three steps to het to the mast vs ten etc i have a pearson vanguard and am sticking with her
I like Hank on. An angle drill would make a great addition to their gear fir raising and lowering the main
I am not a sailor but I do use an RV. My life experience is there is no prefect fit only the best compromise. Also my wife and I have learned the difference between wants and needs. We would love a different RV but the one we have now serves us well and it is paid for.
I would never get that rolling boom mainsail system. Everything else about that boat seems great.
Same boat as Uma ?
I haffy. Meet. You.