LIVE: 2021 Spania SailGP | Ziua 1

LIVE: 2021 Spania SailGP |  Ziua 1

Abonați-vă aici: Cuprins // 00:00 Intro 42:40 Cursa 1 1:08:13 Cursa 2 1:33:44 Cursa 3 Like SailGP Pe Facebook: /facebook Urmărește SailGP pe Twitter: Urmărește SailGP pe Instagram: Fii la curent cu buletinul informativ SailGP: SailGP este navigaţia redefinită. Înființat în 2018 și cu sediul în Londra și New York, SailGP este un campionat sportiv anual, global, care oferă tehnologie îndrăzneață, de ultimă oră și atletism uimitor. Cursele de coastă, centrate pe fani, au loc în unele dintre cele mai emblematice porturi de pe glob și culminează cu o cursă de meciuri de 1 milion de dolari în care câștigătorul ia tot. Echipe naționale rivale din Australia, Danemarca, Franța, Marea Britanie, Japonia, Noua Zeelandă, Spania și Statele Unite se luptă cu catamarane F50 supraalimentate identice, proiectate pentru curse intense la viteze electrizante care depășesc 50 de noduri (aproape 60 mph). #SailGP #Sailing #Sports


39 thoughts on “LIVE: 2021 Spania SailGP | Ziua 1

  1. This is so much better than Americas Cup. I know AC is supposed to be cutting edge but having few boats and a huge price to race is a dead end

  2. What happened at the finish of the second race? They said the Americans beat the Australians and then it was flipped the next time they spoke about it, but they didn't explain.

  3. Unfortunate wind isn't participating for yet another GP weekend. While I think the 15 minute rule is at least more clear about why race lengths get shrunk down, it should be 15 min then everyone races to the next gate (instead of rolling back results to last gate crossed).

  4. I hope this is SailGP's last year. Not really interesting sailing. It could be so much more, but they have decided what they want and aren't learning.

  5. 55:35 “Wind coming over the left side of the boat”. 😂 Real sailors call that the port side! Then again, every real sailor that I know talks about wind and boat speed in knots…

  6. Seriously, how can I watch these races without the commentators but with the comms from the sailors? So annoying listening to that one commentator add nothing useful while drowning out the teams.

  7. Yet another no-wind venue. Maybe they should invent a 1000m wing so they can actually foil around … then again what's the point if the races are just 15mins long LOL

  8. Kinda frustrating to watch those races with close to no wind. I like it when I am racing because the tension is high and the reward for making the right decision is massive, but as a spectator it's just pretty lame.

  9. Well just checked…………see you in
    ………..67 days………….. Then we'll have another 12 minutes of racing unless of course it gets……….shortened………. What????!!!

  10. COULD be great to watch, without the stupid time limits, shortened courses, speeds in KPH instead of proper nautical terms (knots of course), naff direction, and wittering commentary presumably aimed at low-IQ football fans…….
    There must be someone out there who could do this so much better: who is it?

  11. Can someone please tell all the sailors to check their safety harnesses. At 2:10 in, there is a shot where 2 sailors are walking towards the camera and it clearly shows their safety harness are both put on incorrectly. The yellow loop is a belay loop that should NEVER be on the inside of the harness. It’s an attachment point and should go outside of the waistband. You can also tell because the gear loops on the harnesses are pointing upwards, which is not typical of any climbing harness manufactured. Please spread the word amongst all the teams, this is absolutely a safety issue. Please put your harness on correctly.

  12. Wonderful boats, wonderful sailors and the most stupid format ever seen. It is really amazingly stupid. I would love to know who's responsibility is the whole format starting with the super small start line, tiny sailing space, tiny sailing time and such a collection of nonsense like showing speeds in Km/h or miles/h with two decimals that only confuses the commentators and spectators alike.
    BTW… TV producers and cameramen are in the same degree of stupidity. Shame on them!

  13. I have to say that it is great to see some ladies in the series!

    BUT – Still no VMGs being displayed.

    It's amateurs-only in the production studio, apparently.

  14. Dear commentators, learn to pronounce the place names that you're spending time in or at least looking at remotely: Car Deeth not Ca-Diz, jesus…

  15. What the? You chop and change the course continually during racing and then you just stop at 15 minutes and that's it??? Back to what was happening several minutes ago for the result! I think I'm done with SailGP. Seriously just pick a set of rules and a number of crew etc… and stick with it.

  16. I'm a kiwi but Burling & Tuke are constantly making the wrong call, what is wrong with these guys? Why keep shortening races, low winds & 15 mins each race is ridiculous, not worth watching. Race 3 showed 3 yachts cross the line 2 secs early, why no protest?

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