Marea aventură a navigației Ep. 1: O singură mână și non-stop din Germania până în sudul Spaniei

Marea aventură a navigației Ep.  1: O singură mână și non-stop din Germania până în sudul Spaniei

Marea aventură de navigație a lui Jambo începe cu această croazieră. În acest moment, nu pot spune exact unde și cât de departe vom naviga, deoarece pandemia încă ne arată limitări. Prin urmare, navighez spre sud și voi decide pas cu pas cum să continui. Desigur, să navighezi în jurul lumii ar fi cea mai mare dorință. Să vedem! Bucurați-vă de videoclip! Facebook: M Jambo Sailing Instagram: martin_jambo Tip Box: PayPal.Me/mjambosailing Link-uri către carte: SUA: Marea Britanie: Germania: Franța: Spania: dp/B0BPGBSXMR Italia: Țările de Jos: Polonia: Suedia: Japonia: Canada: Australia: https:/ / Link-uri de prieteni:


29 thoughts on “Marea aventură a navigației Ep. 1: O singură mână și non-stop din Germania până în sudul Spaniei

  1. Excellent video and fabulous journey. You make it look so easy. A big smile and laugh even when getting a wave on you dry clothes. Thanks so much for documenting your travels,

  2. Great video! Thank you for posting! I like your drone footage – some of those you did in other videos while you were manoeuvring the boat. What is your technique for catching the drone? Do you stop the boat or catch it while sailing? Fair winds!

  3. The more I watch these sailing videos the more I wish I knew how. If I ever get some money, I will be the first black man to sail around the world. 👍🏾✌🏾

  4. Thanks a lot for sharing Martin, I will definitely use winter time to go through all your videos 🙂 really enjoyed watching this one. Fair winds.

  5. Like your videos and you come across as an honest guy … a real guy, but I have to mute the music. Maybe just not my style, but I'd also rather just listen to the wind and the waves when there's nothing left to say. Thanks for posting!

  6. I'm really pleased you are on your new adventure. May I make a suggestion, when making long journeys why don't you pre cook your meals and store them in your new freezer rather than cook at sea. If you injured yourself, stumbled etc you could be in big trouble being alone. Just defrost and nuke the food in a microwave. The containers are reusable, hence there would be limited waste / packing to store on-board. Its just a suggestion. Looking forward to your new videos. You make the whole event look easy. All the best 👍

  7. Hi Martin, big fan from Canada…I am a beginner sailor just about to retire and learn how to sail…I am lucky, my friend is an P Eng, and friend for many years and an avid sailor I am going to crew on his C and C Ketch next year to learn the lines…I followed your first cross Atlantic Journey back and forth from Europe to the Caribbean and back and enjoyed binge watching numerous episodes in the world on the weekend…my question, your thoughts overall on both the water-maker and more of interest the hydro generator…I am considering purchasing a 63 Cheoy Lee Motor sailor and wondering your thoughts on whether a hydro generator could power up such a large yacht….also I'm wondering if it is possible that you can wire all three systems together in such a way that all can be charging or just the unit that is is it possible to have a hydro generator, wind generator, and solar power all charging, or not necessary…just trying to wrap my head around the best system that keeps me off grid for the longest period of time. I am going to be sailing Georgian Bay, on Lake Huron which is part of the Great Lakes System here in North America…i love Georgian Bay as it is the closest we have in the East to the beautiful pacific northwest coast, without the mountains…I am not a marina queen and would like to launch my boat in the spring and not see a marina again until the fall haul out…I will service fuel needs with a fuel barrel on my well equipped dory/tender…whereby I can go fuel up a 45 gallon barrel in town and purchase groceries, and work central off my island in the Bay…so if my questions miss the mark please excuse my novice standing…I want to have enough power to air condition the boat whenever i need to and run a noisy generator as little as possible…I am willing to invest in an elaborate lithium battery system and maybe I can achieve my needs …just wondering if you have a publication you could recommend that would help guide those seeking to spend as much time off grid as possible on their yacht…thank you and happy sailing…I wanted to also say you had alot of salt to take on the Atlantic…check out "the old sea-dog" your stories and life circumstance and sailing plans are very similar…his boat is the White Shadow out of Plymouth and he has a well known sailing channel…the old Sea dog …I believe it is called…Happy Sailing Martin, and always remember to make regular offerings to King Neptune!!!!

  8. My last question I forgot to ask in my previous post, if you had all the money in the world, and money was no object…is there a certain size yacht you would purchase, and manufacturer…ie Daschew, or Gravitas etc….I would respect your thoughts as you have crossed the ocean alone, and would like to know…technology, electric winches, etc. etc. and all of the equipment available on new yachts…make it possible for single handing a much larger yacht….joystick control allows you to keep a 65 foot yacht steady next to a wharf in high winds and bring it in sideways all by yourself…I also would like your thoughts on ketch rigs which apparently are easier to sale upwind…i would also like your thoughts on Gaf Rigged boats, or Junk Rigged, if they are much easier to sail for novices….to you prefer a Yawl vs. a ketch…now that you have crossed the ocean twice your thoughts are respected…have you ever thought about a Catamaran…your thoughts…like purchasing a catamaran gaf rigged boat…whatever you would like to chat about and advice to a retired new sailor….

  9. Always enjoyable and realistic videos to watch. I noticed you don't have a hydrovane on this boat. Probably not necessary on that journey but is it a conscious decision not to have one?

  10. Hi Martin. Thank you for another enjoyable video. You know, here in Canada we sailors are living vicariously through your videos in the winter. Cheers 😊 David

  11. Hi Martin. A quick question: how did you deal with sleeping while on the way? How long were you sleeping when in English Channel, Bay of Biscay and down south from Portugal? I am planning the same journey from Newcastle in the UK and any tips are welcome from your experiences 🙂
    We are waiting for new bideos 🙂

  12. Great videos! But that part when you were using the circular saw made me nervous! 😀 It didn't look super safe as your legs were right beneath the saw, and not to mention you probably were tired from lack of sleep! Hehe. But yeah, really enjoy your positive mindset and the videos! Inspiring.

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