Idioti pe barci cu pânze | Compilare

Idioti pe barci cu pânze |  Compilare

Compilation Sail-boat Crash Sper să vă placă acest videoclip. Vă mulțumim tuturor pentru vizionare și dacă vă place acest videoclip Vă rugăm să nu uitați să dați Like, Comentați, Distribuiți și Abonați-ne pentru mai multe videoclipuri!!! Orice feedback este apreciat. Distracție plăcută cu toții!!! Acești oameni provoacă daune grave bărcilor lor și altor bărci în timp ce sunt pe apă. Asigurați-vă că urmăriți până la sfârșit, deoarece nu vă veți crede de ce această barcă se scufundă…


23 thoughts on “Idioti pe barci cu pânze | Compilare

  1. On the day I was selling my 40 ' Catalina (Sausalito, Ca), the wind was blowing over 50 knots..The salesman, the new buyer and his surveyor were to accompany me on the sail demo…..Once sailing the new buyer and the surveyor disappeared below and were freaking out..The salesman was in the cockpit with me but, he also was freaking out –and no help….The large ferry boat that shuttled people between San Francisco and Sausalito was grounded in the City and not operating, because of those strong winds….With my main reefed ( into the mast) and my jib at 70%, I was more on a broad reach..The wind was too strong and blew my jib out..I came about and did get some filtered air that allowed me to get into the Harbor for a scheduled survey..After I secured the torn jib, We raised the boat onto the dock and checked the bottom (surveyed).. Later, I put the boat back into the water and was to bring it back to the main harbor..I called the Harbor Master and requested berthing..I was told that it was impossible to get in–- because of the wind..I told him that it was my ONLY OPTION I was given a weak–- "OK" to come in and take the Ferry's berth.The Ferry's berth was huge, thank goodness..At least 10 people came to our rescue when we berthed, helping with ropes and fenders…..I secured the boat and put all the protective canvas back on the boat..The surveyor asked me to restart the engine…..At that point the batteries quit…The sale of the boat did go through ( I replaced the batteries)..That was one tough day..We were lucky to have gotten back before the batteries died..Had the batteries died after the jib blew out, I would have been up a creek..With out power, the anchor would be compromised and with a blown out jib–- WHO KNOWS???..Sailing is quite an experience..I have been out of it for a while..I am presently looking for another sailboat..I am in the 25' to 29' range..At 80, it seems as though a smaller boat is more practical….

  2. entièrement d'accord on ne parle d'idiots on parle d'accidents de gens qui ont frôlé la mort ou bien qui y sont restés. J'ai même pas envie de regarder cette vidéo jusqu'au bout, j'aurais trop l'impression de me repaître du malheur des gens. 👎👎👎👎

  3. Roman – vessels ( you call them sail boats- the world calls them yachts.) don't crash – they founder. Just a thing

  4. Didn’t Watch more than 1 minute. Just don’t want you to monetize my view because this is not worth it. The music says it all. I was hoping to see a few mistakes I could learn from but there’s nothing interesting in there. Not all real fails, very few idiots and not even exclusively sailboats.

  5. Lousy video. No verrified information and these, are no "inexpereinced sailors", but you greedy "like" hunter… not even worth to click on!

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