Navigați și trăiți la bord în toamnă. Fără a plăti un ban | Sălbatic navigație

Navigați și trăiți la bord în toamnă.  Fără a plăti un ban |  Sălbatic navigație

Accesați pentru a economisi 10% reducere la prima achiziție a unui site web sau a unui domeniu utilizând codul: WILDLINGSSAILING Consultați-i pe cei de la navigație, Wayzgoose Warrior: Pentru mai multe Actualizări recente: Instagram: @wildlings_sailing Facebook: Întrebări despre afaceri: Ne susțineți? Ko-fi: PayPal: Lista de dorințe Amazon: ?ref_=wl_share Tricourile noastre: Pentru tot Mercedes OM636:


35 thoughts on “Navigați și trăiți la bord în toamnă. Fără a plăti un ban | Sălbatic navigație

  1. Hi Nads, now that you have taught Mark how to use twin props, it might be a good time to practice "Med mooring" with the Minke to a quay wall. You could use the old surfboard or a bit of driftwood as a gang way LOL.
    Love the pink wardrobe matching the tender.
    Many thanks for introducing us to WayzgooseWarrior; wonderful videos and very relaxed (No BS couple) Also they show more of Minke sailing than you do !
    Great dog; however might be worth watching Sailing Nandji if you are thinking of visiting different countries with animals onboard…………………….stress or what!

  2. Olá, estou feliz por estar convosco nesta linda viagem de vida. Está a ser espectacular estar convosco e compartilhar esta aventura. Obrigado. Abraços e beijinhos.

  3. I love what you guys are doing you have come so! I have been following you sinse you started the Channel ! I mean I really do think you should have life jackets on .. I mean nadyana you would not of been able to swim back to the boat in them conditions. Safety first 😁

  4. Nice dose of reality, Life aboard a yacht. If I was you I would buy a big mother Rocna anchor & sleep all night. I hate that worry about dragging when you got second rate anchors.

  5. Hi guys, was this video recorded just over a week ago? Looks like you got storm Ballos like we did. Wind not too bad nothing over 40 knots so way less than forecast. It was the rain…..3 days of constant heavy rain.
    By the way 11.5v is 10% for a 12v battery, they are dead! This won’t do them any good at all. Try never letting them drop below 12.1v (55%) better at above 12.3v (70%).
    Best of luck guys hopefully we see you in Greece this winter?

  6. I wouldn’t call you two commoner sailors anymore. You both have rebuilt that boat through shear determination and will power and know more about the construction, design, materials, and mechanics of your boat, then 95% of the sailors out there. Fantastic job! 🤗
    Safe sailing and clear skies!

  7. I love you 2, I didnt in the beginning but have changed my mind lol
    In love, hardworking, puppy rescuers and I envy both of you!
    We are on the uard, unfortunately lol
    Galley reno and winter is coming, it always seems like we can finish in a month, always add 2 months to my estimate in time! 🙄🤭🤔🤔 ⛵ 🚢 🚣‍♂️

  8. I dont know if you have been watching comments on last vid, but saying here again:) Guys need to go to Porquerolles island, its east after Frioul, a day sail away. Island are way more comfy than Frioul. Bigger, tons of running trails, No cars. best place on earth

  9. Its probablly on your way but cant wait for you guys to see it, Porquerolles and Port Cros, we had a sail boat and stayed there a month before going to Corsica and it was the best place I ever went in the Med.

  10. 27:01 Welcome to the med:) I have been in super tight anchorage with boats super close. In this case though, yeah its too close, either you have to pull on your chain more or yell to the guy behind you and ask him to let go of more of his chain. I have been hit by a dragging boat in Italy once and wasnt so fun:) Be really carefull at sailors that come after you and might drop anchor on your chain and getting entangled. always have to be abble to tell people where your chain is when they arrive next to you. And same be carefull not to drop your anchor on their chain. In Med I use to always do a quick check dive with snorkle to see if my anchor took well. have a blast:)

  11. There’s a technique where you drop your anchor with an additional side line and depending on where the wind is blowing you can shorten the length of the second rope to put your nose into the wind to reduce the role give it a try

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