SailGP – Cadiz – Crash & Burn

SailGP - Cadiz - Crash & Burn

Cu o coastă care este deschisă spre Atlantic, șansele ca Cadizul să vadă condiții neplăcute au existat întotdeauna. Și când locația spaniolă a livrat, acțiunea a fost explozivă. De la ușor și dificil până la complet, cel de-al șaselea eveniment din SailGP Sezonul 2 a văzut echipele trebuind să se confrunte cu ambele extreme ale scalei. Rezultatul a făcut niște curse tensionate și spectaculoase. Iată emisiunea de recenzii de 26 de minute.


18 thoughts on “SailGP – Cadiz – Crash & Burn

  1. Pityfull presentation of this event guys!

    We sailors want to see the races!

    In detail!
    Like Formula 1 on RACE DAY.
    Instead we get 12 minutes of blargh blargh before we even see a start. Then edits of the races ,but more time in the boat park.
    And PLEASE get a sailor to do the commentary. That guy is a clueless loudmouth! A salesman, but did he ever win a race in any class? I doubt it.
    So 5% for presentation chaps. You can do a LOT BETTER !

  2. 3 lead boats have 3 Aussie skippers…….thought Burling and Tuke were supposed to dominate!!!!!!!!! Interesting when everyone is playing with the same toys.

  3. 12 minutes of totally unnecessary “prestart” commentary. We know all that!
    Please just show the ACTUAL RACING!
    There is not enough footage of the actual racing….. I gave up and didn’t finish the video!
    Rethink needed!

  4. NZ Government completely stupid to exclude SailGP people from NZ, and a genuine tragedy there's no racing in Lyttleton.
    It was the only sporting event I planned on attending this year.

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