Manevra barca cu pânze și accidente | Fail The at Sea | CRASH SAILING | 010

Manevra barca cu pânze și accidente |  Fail The at Sea |  CRASH SAILING |  010

Manevra barca cu pânze și accidente. Eșuează pe mare. Accident de navă, barcă sau navigație


23 thoughts on “Manevra barca cu pânze și accidente | Fail The at Sea | CRASH SAILING | 010

  1. Sailing is about solving problems? No, sailing is about preventing any problems by preparing the boat and the crew for the actions which are going to happen. First of all, you need experience for that, and second of all, if u don't have experience, don't rent a yacht without professional skipper

  2. I don't know that that first boat was trying do, but if they thought a spring line should be on the windward side they were dead wrong.

    If you want to use a spring line to pull the bow into the wind, it has to be set on the leeward side, aft of the center line. Put the boat in reverse, and the torque created by the force of the spring line set aft of the center of mass causes a rotation of the boat away from the side where the line is set.

    You'd have to set fenders on the leeward side of the stern to cushion the force against the boat on that side, but they should have been there anyway.

  3. 04:15 Bad maneuver; Guys are so lucky that the prop did not grab the mooring line. Floating type mooring lines may help. Always tie the stern line on windward side first. Then tie the anchor line and then leeward stern line.

  4. Terrible editing and music and the part about getting off your boat when docking is very poor seamanship, I will skip the lesson thank you very much.

  5. Very annoying music and you can see this sort of DS at any marina on any day. Always remember the IQ bell curve 🤔

  6. That idiot at 9:45 should not be allowed to leave his bedroom let alone skipper a boat, no idea about momentum, clueless use of steering and throttle, a danger to himself and certainly to the two other fools trying to stop him wrecking thousands of dollars of other peoples boats. When will they invent stabiliser wheels for boats, some people clearly need them.

  7. First manouvre- undocking:
    – don't think they forgot to untie their two mooring- lines at the bow. But the undocking- manouvre was executed bad in some details.
    – you musst wait some seconds before undocking in order not fetch the pilot-lines of the mooring with your moving propeller(the pilot- lines connect the mooring- lines with the pier/ dock). This happens in this case with both moorings.
    – okey, if you have a( strong) side-wind, which moves you on the neighbour you want to" eindampfen" (motor)into the windward sternline in order to swing your bow away from your neighbour. But you must wait until the bow has done this before undocking.
    – Of course by doing this motoring into your windward sternline there is always the risk of fetching the pilot-lines with your moving propeller. You can avoid this by holding up the pilot line out of the water by some crewmember, ca.until end of your cockpit.

  8. What was up with the last one? The wind doesn't look too bad and @12:57 you can see something floating in the lower left. It's barely moving so there doesn't seem to be a bad current either.

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