Recoltarea de organe pe piața neagră este un comerț rampant cu organe umane, care implică coluziune între criminali organizați și medici corupți, poliție și personalul administrației medicale. Ne aprofundăm în comerțul cu corpuri corporale și vedem modurile în care funcționează și riscurile implicate pentru oamenii disperați de la ambele capete ale tranzacției, pe o piață nereglementată și adesea periculoasă. În The Business of Crime, VICE World News analizează diferite părți ale economiei criminale, separând faptele de mit. În acest episod, aflăm realitatea comerțului cu corpuri de pe piața neagră. Cumpărați cartea Dr. Seán Columb Trading Life aici: Cumpărați Cartea lui Scott Carney The Red Market aici: Vezi mai multe din această serie: How to Hire a Hitman How pentru a curăța banii murdari Cum să renunți la un furt bancar Cum să lansezi o lovitură militară https :// Cumpărarea armelor nucleare pe piața neagră Consultați playlistul VICE World News pentru raportări globale pe care nu le veți face găsiți în altă parte: Faceți clic aici pentru a vă abona la VICE: Despre VICE: The Definitive Guide To Enlightening Information. Din fiecare colț al planetei, poveștile noastre captivante, caustice, inovatoare și adesea bizare au schimbat modul în care oamenii gândesc despre cultură, crime, artă, petreceri, modă, protest, internet și alte subiecte care nici măcar nu au nume. inca. Răsfoiți biblioteca în creștere și descoperiți colțuri ale lumii despre care nu știați că există. Bun venit la VICE. Conectați-vă cu VICE: Consultați catalogul nostru complet de videoclipuri: Videoclipuri, editoriale zilnice și multe altele: Mai multe videoclipuri din rețeaua VICE: https://www.fb .com/vicevideo Faceți clic aici pentru a obține tot ce este mai bun de la VICE zilnic: Like VICE pe Facebook: Urmărește VICE pe Twitter: vice Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: Rețeaua VICE YouTube: VICE: MUNCHIES: VICE News: https :// VICELAND: Broadly: Noisey: Motherboard : VICE Sports: iD: Waypoint: /WaypointVICE
Cumpărarea de organe pe Piața Neagră | Afacerea crimei
34 thoughts on “Cumpărarea de organe pe Piața Neagră | Afacerea crimei”
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Horrified May GOD help us all and protect us from this
As tech gets better and more precise I think your going to see a lot more of this
Selling my kidney or liver.
Sex : Man
Age : 32 years
Blood : O+
Country : Indonesia
& yet and still Selena couldn’t shout out her friend for giving up her kidney in the documentary smh 🤦♀️
One of their terrorists organ thief his name CC surgeon .
Crazy how getting paid for organs is illegal but them taking your organs for free when you die just because you said is okay instead of paying your family they make profit off it. If they would pay less people would be doing it the dangerous way
Brain microchip
Every newcborn knos nothing bout brain microchio nor organ trafficing
Capitalism destroy humanity and freedom from human life . We are so greedy as well as needy persons so they can do and go in a worst way for those fcking capitals. Most of these things happening in poor and middle class families who need to escape from debt but unfortunately they can't . While rich people hiding black moneys which is coming from poor and middle classes tax payers while rich goons not paying their tax so these two categories people always suffer from these crimes. Money is the biggest enemy for human life. Ban these capitalism game . So human can live in peace.
i offer them my long nails
South sudanese steal our organs in our neighbourhood and even talk inside the heart with devices
Organs use bifocals to steal organ and piping Tom who is broker of organ theft
Organ thief use illegal eye surgery after stealing kidney and connect people eyes via radio phone and computers . South Sudnaese homeless organ thieves got rich from organ money
Organ thieves who are organized crime use electricity to kill people and harvest their organs and give them heart damage
I’m broke asf man I’d sell a kidney asap
I live in California and I am friends with a nun who helps children living in an orphanage in Mexico. A 7 year old boy went missing recently (he would have been 8 at the end of the month) and they just found his body a few days ago with his organs missing. That’s why I’m here watching this video. I saw his picture, his name was Kevin and I can’t stop thinking about him and I don’t know who would do such a thing.
Better to die than to have someone be killed for you. I don’t know how those people can live with themselves after killing a little boy.
I am selling my kidney for $100,000 on the condition that the operation is in a reputable and reliable hospital
Someone come and tells me you can live with 1 kidney i be running like my ass is on fire
Israel has been doing this to Palestinians for years but no show about that Israel is the world biggest organ seller
Now, last time I checked my medical bills doctors make enough money already, sick, greedy fuckheads! They should get brain transplants. 🙁
It’s just like abortion or drugs. Dangerous when illegal. Remarkably safe when it’s not. When will we learn? The most basic right is being in charge of your body
can i get there in ethiopia
i want to sell my kindey
Love the video, but the woman reporting It…. Clearly Reading the infos…
Am still thinking of selling my kidney legally
I don’t see why this can’t be organised and done legally through proper channels. I will probably need a kidney transplant in my life. Why can’t there be a healthy market for this regulated by the government so that the practice doesn’t distill down to ‘human trafficking’.
Um, libertarians definitely do not think it's okay to trick people and steal their organs. We're against anything that violates autonomy…
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My God
I give my organs freely. Cut them out please. Who can I contact?
Should have sold mine before i got kidney cancer and couldnt complete my internship lmao