Viața cu barca călătorește singură femeie St.Lucia-Martinique

Viața cu barca călătorește singură femeie St.Lucia-Martinique

Sunt Roxana, vin din România și mă bucur atât de mult să documentez acest timp prețios al trăirii pe o barcă. La fel ca noi toți, sper să păstrez în inima amintiri despre ceea ce iubesc profund: muzica, marea, viața și călătoriile. Mulțumesc ❤ #sailing#singlehandedsailor#solofemalesailing#passage martinique st lucia#ocean#boatlife#dreamlife#buskersailing#romanian sailing#travelingmusician#caribbean#islandlife#ocean


3 thoughts on “Viața cu barca călătorește singură femeie St.Lucia-Martinique

  1. Why, in your titles, do you keep telling everyone you are female? Is that some type of accomplishment? Did you do that? So sad. Women who think that they are "special" because they actually do something that men have built for you, done for you, made for you and purchased for you. Women are the real problem in America – at least white men built the country, invented telephones, cars, trucks, trains, planes, computers, cell phones, the iphone, tampons, clothes, modern medicine, modern banking and, of course, the internet as well as everything you use and love right now. So stop trying to sell yourself as a "woman" and start accomplishing something important.

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