CÂND NATURA SE ÎNAPODĂ în Insulele Feroe. -Navigare spre Groenlanda Partea 3. –

CÂND NATURA SE ÎNAPODĂ în Insulele Feroe.  -Navigare spre Groenlanda Partea 3. -

Lucrurile nu au mers așa cum am planificat în niciun fel în timpul încercării mele de a naviga din Insulele Feroe în Islanda – în drum spre estul Groenlandei. Uneori trebuie doar să accepți să fii învins. Cel mai important lucru este cum te descurci cu asta, cum te ridici. Asta s-a întâmplat și m-a forțat să anulez restul aventurii mele. Natura este cu siguranță o putere copleșitoare care nu trebuie subestimată! Deja plănuiesc a treia încercare de a ajunge în Groenlanda anul viitor. De data aceasta eu. VOI. FACE. ACEASTA. Echipament Raymarine: https://www.raymarine.com Pânze de la Rolly Tasker: https://www.rollytasker.com/en/ OSCAR termocamera: https://www.oscar-navigation.com/ Panouri solare: https: //makspower.no/ Autodirecție cu hidrovane: https://hydrovane.com/ Echipament de punte: https://www.seldenmast.com/ Accesorii pentru vele: https://www.granseil.no/ Prognoza meteo: https:// www.predictwind.com/ REAL turmat (hrană uscată) https://realoutdoorfood.com/ ––––––––––- ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––– Tricouri și marfă în interiorul UE: https://shop. spreadshirt.no/nbjs-factory SUA și peste tot: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/nbjs-factory-usa/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nobullshitjustsailing Instagram: https://www.instagram .com/erikaanderaanbjs/ PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/erikaanderaa Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3146656&ty=h Site-ul meu: https://nbjs.no/


33 thoughts on “CÂND NATURA SE ÎNAPODĂ în Insulele Feroe. -Navigare spre Groenlanda Partea 3. –

  1. I found your channel through #sal here in Brazil. And I'm amazed at what you do, the way you treat the sea, the waves and life itself. I wish you much success and good winds. greetings from here in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  2. I will be flying out to Iceland July 16th to join Skirr Adventures for a sail to Greenland. I booked my adventure before I found your YouTube sight. Now I am more inspired than ever. My surname is Eilertsen so I really appreciate our Norwegian connection. So very soon my month and a half sail and adventure will begin.

  3. Absolutely stunning scenery ! Your cinematic eye for creating these videos is fantastic.
    Thank you for the opportunity which allows us to experience the natural beauty of the coastal geography .
    Spectacular indeed

  4. Holy crap. I saved these videos until I had time to binge them. This was crazy. I’m very happy your ok. If you where another channel you would have 3/4 sunk the boat and blamed the cost guard when they showed up to save you.

  5. Well with out a doubt Erik u have made 5he best sailing videos I have ever seen glad ur out of hospital hope ur gonna get better now u did right thing making the sailing ur new job God bless get well sooner love ur videos

  6. Hi Eric, I so much enjoy your videos. You mention …Center of Gravity when changing sail plan. I think you mean Centre of Effort. C of G is governed by your ballast/cargo/stores position within the hull. Hope you’re recovered from COVID by now. Safe sailing. Capt John.

  7. Erik, glad to see that everything worked out. Mother nature is a fickle mistress and she can turn on you in a heartbeat. Phenomenal drone video work, gives the viewer a sense of how impressive the landscapes really are.

  8. Btw in case, a lifejacket with transponder would have been very helpfull there since it was in reach of helicopters. A lifeline could have prevented you from falling over board while beeing knocked over. I have a boat with a powerfull righting moment at very high heeling angles for the same reason. The regatta saliors can't dare to leave the fjords due to a lack of ballast in their boats.

  9. Extremely well crafted videography, cinematic even. Even if you don't care about sailing, the content and presentation is worth the views. This is a must subscribe for those who appreciate well crafted content. Well done sir! I discovered you today and I am better for the discovery. Thank you! Stay safe and be well!

  10. Dear Erik,
    Im certain you are familiar with how Greenland acquired the name, a bit of genius Viking "Marketing"!
    I think a marvelous adventure for you to consider filming, would be to recreate that voyage and landings.
    You should also consider a series of famous Viking crosiings to the UK and surrounding and even further.
    Tell the story of the particular Viking expedition or battle etc

  11. You said something very profound here, about some of your viewers never being able to see this land in person. It really hit home and it makes me sad that at 46 it’s very unlikely that I would be able to see this part of the world. It’s a breathtaking land and I do hold out hope that one day I can visit to see in person. But thank you for making these videos to share with the world.

    Just got to the part where nature struck back, wow man, that could have easily been the end of it. I’m glad you made it!

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