De 10 ori Hells Angels au greșit îngrozitor!

De 10 ori Hells Angels au greșit îngrozitor!

Abonați-vă pentru videoclipuri noi! #hellsangels #peoplestories #gonewrong #worldlist


25 thoughts on “De 10 ori Hells Angels au greșit îngrozitor!

  1. Cowards all of em. In prison I slapped out a full patch member. He sucked up and offers me work and money to work with him when I was out of prison. Hillarious. I spit on his face LITERALLY. Goofs. I have 0 respect for men who rape woman and who rat out on each other. Call em RAT angels. Goofs

  2. This is how they make movies and mainstream don't know the difference so they start becoming intel props and this is where it goes wrong but the intel get what they need
    AFFA angels never die nffn HMS council

  3. When you commit a crime you should do the time. When you commit a crime and you belong to a gang even if they call it an MC it should be a death sentence. Any crime connected to his gang even that of stealing Bubblegum's should be a death sentence these people are worthless and there's no place in society for them.

  4. I started drinking in a biker bar when I was 19 no one ever messed with me they treated me like a sister they have there own rules and tactics although people don’t like them I know a lot of old patch holders and they are cool it’s the younger ones maybe don’t know

  5. dont feel too bad for that influecer in the end tho. This is a news article headline in the dailymail. Insta-famous girlfriend of former Hells Angels bikie to face trial after 'biting a woman's face and gouging her eyes in violent road rage attack'

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