#bluewatersailboat #navigație #croazieră #croazieră #croazieră cu pânze Ce este o barcă cu pânze cu apă albastră? Ați uda albastru un Catalina 36? Susține Lady K – http://www.patreon.com/ladyksailing Sau http://www.ladyksailing.com/team-k Davy și Erica pe Barefoot Sail and Dive: https://www.youtube.com/c/ BarefootSailDive Credit video: Coast Guard Helo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GGhcqgOxFA&t=556s&ab_channel=DANGERTV Credit foto: https://collectionyachts.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/hylas- bluewater-cruising-sailboats.jpg https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/EVe92TSXlCCSub9FOK6SNTGFY52WPKVzeQO_OrDEMi5Rb2UaODz518XkUAHTCnM4HFIOUx3bIJAS22L_nBLLH8bAPLYcJDZHPLYecJDZHAPLY6 SWOi95IilzfRIQrBIM6GNcfm3w40 http://cdn.denisonyachtsales.com/images/featured-listings/1/57/30/6985730_20190301104340898_1_XLARGE.jpg https://www. .makingsenseofcents.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Sailing-SV-Delos-%E2%80%93-Living-A-Beautiful-Life-On-The-Sea-howtoliveonasailboat.png https://www .gannett-cdn.com/presto/2020/10/29/USAT/49925805-8e0f-403d-a07c-54ddceedb52c-Delos_Sailing_07.jpg https://www.boatdesign.net/attachments/byyb-290140-jpg. https://forums.sailinganarchy.com/uploads/monthly_2019_06/Tabbing_Detail.jpg.c089434132ccf4540cbc4cf88391f0fb.jpg https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54634132ccf4540cbc4cf88391f0fb.jpg 182702-IK1WQFW0NN5OJ0JLK7PF/BM-53-Staysail+Comp +Sm.jpg https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/-1Vbny56ZxYYWTxw1RgNFV_5T-wRHLpyL5NIQ80OvcpvRAnNhK_2_juWoQ1Yj41OHJc_7o6ob3zdkLDwkPNlGQw1RgNFV_5T-wRHLpyL5NIQ80OvcpvRAnNhK_2_juWoQ1Yj41OHJc_7o6ob3zdkLDwkPNlGQw1: //web. stipakb/Ubiquity-MonitorWindVane.jpg https://images.boatsgroup.com/images/ 1/88/2/7588802_20200914141237998_1_XLARGE.jpg https://media.iyba.pro/images/highdef/2769364_d2e99164_1.jpg https://images.wsj.net/im-264661245? .com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/385-Catalina-min.jpg https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5126d1d4e4b08c2e6d1cf7fd/1506007283578-H1WQ7L5B53ERB4Z7L5B503C00L5B5ERB4ZJWSPG57 t=1500w https ://media.iyba.pro/images/medium/2757081_6827dcfc_1.jpg https://www.morgan38.org/morgan38/index.php?media/quarter-berth.358/full https://i.ytimg.com /vi/WEZ9z9sIds8/maxresdefault.jpg https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5126d1d4e4b08c2e6d1cf7fd/1506007283578-H1L5B5E4Q7267RBWZPG0403. yachts.com/wp-content /uploads/2019/08/Port-Exterior.jpg
Barcă cu pânze cu apă albastră – Catalina 36 – Episodul 159 – Lady K Sailing

21 thoughts on “Barcă cu pânze cu apă albastră – Catalina 36 – Episodul 159 – Lady K Sailing”
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Like to see something on an Irwin dirty citation 1977
I would like to see something on a Irwin 30 Citation 1977
I own a 1984 cat 36 here in NZ-i have not blue water sailed-only Coastal NZ-but it got here from LA-Hawaii-Tahiti-Raro-Noumea-NZ-then has done many Pacific Island trips over the years-Fiji-Tonga-Vanuatu-it flew thru survey last year and is CAT 1 certified -except life raft is currently out of date-I love it-but am way short on skills to head up Pacific at this stage-in fact probably never will-but coastal NZ sailing its brilliant -just saying !!
Would you blue water an Albin Vega ??
we know it can but would you . I have one and I’m thinking how much are you really going to be crossing oceans
I love this channel, very informative. One suggestion – use a little less jargon (like 'IOR') to make it more accessible to beginners, OR consider explaining the terms with captions on the screen or in the description box.
im about to buy one, and ill definately cross the ocean with her
I ownwd a C30 and crewed on a C36 on Lake Ontario which had the same Westerbeke 3 cyl. I personally found the engine in the 36 to be under-powered when in foul weather
Love the channel! Could you do an episode on Bruce Roberts 345. There is almost nothing on YT about the boat or it’s history. Tbh it was a struggle to find out much about BR.
Do you think an Island Packet 31 would make a better blue water sailboat than a Catalina 36?
Yes. Yes I would.
You forgot Catalina keel is lead to
How about florida or usvi. I own now as of a few weeks ago. Selling a hunter Cherubini 37, for a Catalina 36 mk 2. My plans are too set sail in January ans not come back for @ 5 months . What’s ur questions ans thoughts.
i've seen catalina 28's that have crossed to bimini no problem. hell, even a macgregor 26x has made the crossing. just need to pick a good weather window.
Just came from your most recent video to this one, its a darn nice boat that ive added to my wants list for retirement…….so many to choose from
Sam Holmes goes all over the World in his Cape Dory 28.
I own a '95 Catalina 36 Mkii. It comes in around 16,700lbs loaded. Holds about 70 gallons in 3 tanks. 1 35 gallon and 2 20 gallon tanks. A single 25 gallon diesel tank though. She's a very capable boat but you hit on something that I think other Catalina owners would agree upon. The twisting contorting motion of the seas leaves it mark on the joints of the boat. You can filler them and cover them or glass them until you're a master glass layer, it will still crack on you. That's my only complaint about the boat is the joints aren't as reinforced as most blue water boats and a boat as old as mine has quite a few layers of veneers on those teeth. Also the chainplates are garbage and need a mod to keep from leaking. 5200 them extra and then cover that with silicone sealant for a waterproof fitting. The best thing about the boat – catalinadirect.com and the catalinaforums if you're new to sailing.
"IOR" = ?
Get a kick of of these …captains….Lost all nav on the way to Nassau…C'mon 100 miles from Miami…you can't miss it.
Wait until GPS gets shut down….and to think all these old salts were merely landlubbers until the advent of GPS. haha
For crossings we were still using sextants on the big container ships until sat. nav arrived in 1979.
Not sure I would feel comfortable beating to windward for an extended amount of time (Days or Weeks) in the C36, but traveling in the right direction crossing oceans I would have no worries with this boat. I heard of a few that have crossed the Pacific and are now in Australia. Depends on your comfort level for this boat.
just sold my 2014 beneteau 34. now im looking at a 95 catalina mk2. She has parts in the past 3 years and is bigger than the beneteau 34. She will sail well for sure! Thanks for the review