Sherlock Holmes Capitolul Unu / Partea 8 / Procedura de joc PS5 / CUȘIA AURĂ

Sherlock Holmes Capitolul Unu / Partea 8 / Procedura de joc PS5 / CUȘIA AURĂ

O prezentare completă a gameplay-ului Sherlock Holmes Capitolul unu. Sherlock îl găsește și îl arestează pe ucigașul lui Theodore Gilden. #sherlock #sherlockholmes #chapterone


One thought on “Sherlock Holmes Capitolul Unu / Partea 8 / Procedura de joc PS5 / CUȘIA AURĂ

  1. What I think when I played is his daughter and Paul both made a plan of killing there father and run to some other place because they already had packed and also Paul was definitely going for his money because at some point he told he may not be to into his daughter after he is dead.

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