PROBLEME în CANTA BĂRCILOR | Pregătirea trecerii oceanului | Sailing Florence Ep. 116

PROBLEME în CANTA BĂRCILOR |  Pregătirea trecerii oceanului |  Sailing Florence Ep.  116

Suporturi de motor sparte și OSMOZĂ pe cârmă. Pregătirea Florenței pentru următoarea trecere pe ocean s-a dovedit a fi o problemă mai mare decât am anticipat. Scoaterea Florenței din apă în Seychelles și găsirea mai multor probleme sub linia de plutire ne-a pus într-o cursă contra cronometru pentru a încerca să rezolvăm totul înainte de data noastră de relansare. Pe deasupra, travel liftul care trebuia să ne ridice s-a stricat. Timpul în curtea bărcilor nu este niciodată ușor, dar de data aceasta întreținerea bărcii a fost deosebit de dificilă. Navigam în jurul lumii de peste 5 ani după ce am plecat din Anglia în 2016 la bordul ambarcațiunii noastre de 37 de picioare Florence. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce împărtășim culmile și dezavantajele călătoriilor în jurul lumii cu barca, navigând în larg peste Oceane și explorând locații îndepărtate cu propria noastră casă mică. Viața cu barca în larg, pe ocean și în afara rețelei. Sprijină-ne pe Patreon: Ne poți urmări și prin blogul nostru la #Sailing #sailingaroundtheworld #Boatyard #BoatMaintenance #Osmois #Seychelles #tropical #circumnavigation #SailingYachtFlorence #indianocean #yacht Muzica în ordinea redată: Time is Running Out – – Licențiat Keep Walking – – Creative Commons – Atribuire Creative Commons 4.0 Licență Sunny Beach – www.hooksounds. com – Licențiat Free Radical – – Licențiat Golden Alley – – Licențiat Wild Rivers – – Licențiat Dangerous Mission – – Licențiat


37 thoughts on “PROBLEME în CANTA BĂRCILOR | Pregătirea trecerii oceanului | Sailing Florence Ep. 116

  1. As much as I love the episodes where you’re on the move or enjoying tropical beaches or hikes, I actually find episodes that show how much work it is just as enjoyable. Thanks for sharing the fatigue, stress, grime, and for keeping it all real 🙂

  2. Улыбнуло.. Ребята
    вы кажется абсолютно не поняли, что Вы именно в южной Африке. Южная Африка, это территория негров. Что бы негр сделай что-то и при этом ничего не сломал, и после него не нужно было это переделывать, да это в принципе не может быть. Так что скажете спасибо, что эти аборигены вам всю лодку не разобрали.

  3. Eye opener (idiot engineers, stock unavailability, delays due to broken promises, etc…) as to the troubles one needs to prep for when owning a boat. Good verbal presentation, sailing demonstration, cost information, attitude.

  4. Sailing is an experience. Yes you can a lot from books but for your specific situation experience is the answer. I have been sailing for many years. Up graded an engine. Had to realign the shaft to the engine and build new stringers. Boy dowe learn much!!

  5. That face mask that you came up with to protect your face and lungs is wonderful. You should show us how you tie it up. It looks like a t-shirt. I love your Dad's dinghy!

  6. Thanks for sharing, my wife and I are saving up to get a boat. We're rookies and there's so much information from you guys. Thank you!

  7. Boatyard work was atrocious, but your engine is in a very cramped location, making it very difficult to get to the engine mounts and to adjust them to align the engine to the prop shaft.

  8. You guys have done a great job, i just recently helped a freind do his engine mounts , dried out in the mud, change them 1 at a time and adjust them so they "just" take the weight of the engine, Anyways fair play to you guys!

  9. You are better doing your own engine alignment, no matter how long the learning curve. Clearly that yard didn't know much about it, and very little. Check out Nigel Calder's big book. For prop shaft sealing, I have great faith in the old-fashioned stuffing box and packing (25 years and counting), and less faith in those bellow devices.

  10. The lesson is: DIY or, ask a great number of other boat owners for recommendations before engaging anyone to work on your boat – particularly in Africa and regions. Stay safe.

  11. Such a nightmare when you do decide you can’t DIY it, you then trust a person who it ends up is less capable than you. Better learn as you go and do it yourself.

  12. Normaly if you have osmosis blisters you should let the hull dry for at least 2 months before filling the holes and repainting the hull… You will have issues soon again if you didn't

  13. there is nothing like a dirty, dusty and expensive number of days in a boat yard, I have to lift my 34 footer out soon and I dread the actual experience and the hit on the credit card. Here in New South Wales AUS it is becoming harder to find a yard who will allow you to do your own work on your boat let alone stay onboard while you do it. I think , like in lots of other areas of life, insurance companies are stuffing things up. I wish you all the best and good sailing.

  14. Oh my goodness! I really take my hat off to you, well you finally got back on the ocean, I shared the joy with you when back sailing. You chaps are 👍 great!

  15. 2005 winter .witby england same job.peel dry and fill epoxy treatment on a 32 footer storage crane in/out and materials £6000.I would love to know how much it cost .taking into account that amy and mark done the elbow greasing

  16. interesting show to see how much work is in involved in boat maintenance much complaining during episode though you cant expect top notch expertise, cheap paint or batterys to be in stock on an island of only 100,000 population in the middle of the indian ocean.

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