130 CdM Flexplorer Expedition Yacht [AURELIA]

130 CdM Flexplorer Expedition Yacht [AURELIA]

Yacht: 130 CdM Flexplorer Explorer Yacht Broker: Alex Clarke // Alex@DenisonYachting.com // 954.763.3971 Specificații + Fotografii: https://hubs.ly/Q010lkng0 Acesta este primul Flexplorer al Cantiere delle Marche, un explorator de 39 de metri numită Aurelia este construită pentru aventură și are un spirit neînfricat. Asemănător cu exteriorul ei robust, interiorul este la fel de magic și spațios. De obicei, este o chestiune de mai mult spațiu – un club de plajă mai mare, o sală de sport sau o cabină de master stelară. Dar este destul de rar să obțineți o barcă nouă construită în primul rând pentru a transporta un tender mai mare. Cu toate acestea, așa a fost pentru mândru proprietar al primului Flexplorer care a ieșit din tânărul șantier italian Cantiere delle Marche în toamna anului trecut – 39 de metri de iaht elegant pentru orice loc. Personalizarea a fost esențială pentru atractivitatea mărcii pe piață, iar seria Flexplorer oferă soluții alternative de layout fără a fi nevoie de o reproiectare radicală. Nu există nicio îndoială că Aurelia este capabilă să exploreze „adevărat”. În sala de conferințe CDM se află o mostră din placarea carenei folosită pentru toate iahturile sale. Placa grea de oțel are o grosime de 12 mm – cu 4 mm mai mult decât standardul cerut de Class. Oțelul foarte gros adaugă robustețe, dar și greutate suplimentară în josul vasului, unde este cel mai necesar pentru a spori stabilitatea și confortul. O altă condiție prealabilă pentru un iaht de explorare este distanța lungă. Aurelia poate parcurge 5.000 de mile marine cu motoarele sale gemene CAT C32, cu o capacitate de utilizare grea și o capacitate de combustibil de 60.000 de litri. Aurelia este, de asemenea, primul iaht CDM care este echipat cu două perechi de stabilizatoare cu viteză zero. 0:00 Introducere 2:02 Platformă de înot 2:48 Sală de sport 3:23 Spațiu mecanic 3:48 Sala mașinilor 5:19 Puntea pupa + depozitare licitații 7:46 Salon 9:11 Bucătărie 9:40 Cabină principală 11:04 Cabine pentru oaspeți 12 :02 Puntea superioară din pupa 12:28 Sky Lounge 13:44 Wheel House 15:02 Puntea din față 15:42 Terrașa 16:17 Outro Musicbed SyncID: MB01WW0Z27FVFPP


47 thoughts on “130 CdM Flexplorer Expedition Yacht [AURELIA]

  1. It looks like an NYC penthouse loft without the NYC crime, trash, corruption, and unconstitutional tyrannical mandates. Instead beautiful sun, ocean, and freedom.

  2. How they made that interior work is amazing. The exposed conduit electricals and toggle light switches could have made it look silly but there's just enough of it to put a hint of industrial toughness explorer boats are supposed to have inside the clean and beautiful interior. Same thing with the bathroom fixtures. The industrial feel is broadcast where it's supposed to be but the gleaming engine room and galley display a comforting and modern reminder you are on a state of the art yachting machine. The tender lift when deployed gives the impression of an industry fishing boat hauling in thousands of the day's catch yet the way it disappears is nothing short of spectacular. This is one hell of a boat. You are pampered and reminded everywhere you look that you are on a ship that's all about muscle. Beautiful!

  3. This was an absolutely outstanding video of an amazing yacht…thanks so much. Stunning in every way. The interior is unique and just oh so gorgeous. Importantly, the work spaces are well designed for maximum access and careful consideration for those who have to maintain the vessel on a day to day basis. Almost too good to be true.

  4. I find that “rustic/industrial” is quite incongruous with yachts. To weird a juxtaposition for me! And….I’m very happy with my Nord 57, a boat I can handle myself (with my wife/senior officer, first mate and lead deckhand, chef and chief provisioner! – wrapped into one woman!)
    Ok – I’m just a LITTLE bit jealous!

  5. The interior design and decor is hideous. If you want an industrial design buy an old working boat. Modern yacht with an industrial interior is not a great example for cdm.

  6. As beautiful as most yacht interiors are, I'm so happy to see more and more interiors like this. It's modern, but more importantly functional and inviting. Super lux interiors may have their place, but I know there are many people who want to get away from spaces that remind us of our "parents living room". I'm not referring to a dated space, I'm talking about that space we grew up with, that you could look at and appreciate from afar, but never enter or touch (and usually only got used on special occasions). This yacht feels welcoming and "real". I can't explain it , but it's like it's saying, "Come aboard, make yourself feel at home- it's ok if you dropped a crumb, my interior is meant to be used and enjoyed. Let's go have fun and explore together". Sounds corny I know, but it's the 1st time a yacht interior has ever "spoke" to me. Lol

  7. Full fledged gym… ha, 3 pieces of cardio equipment.. he suggests the stationary bike can easily be relocated onto the deck for a morning workout.. I suggest the relocation of the bike onto the deck and then back into the lazerette would be the workout. How much more of this article is exaggerated. Boat looks very appealing, I like the industrial feel, however a cruising speed of 10 knots seems too slow, I’d prefer a cruising speed around 15 knots.

  8. The interior pf the vessel looks nice but what what concerns me more when possibly traversing through the vessel in heavy seas and possibly falling against any of those industrial square light switches and metal pipes which could cause possible serious head injury as you can not always ensure sure footing in heavy weather on any vessel

  9. This interior is amazing, so many yachts look gaudy and awful, like someones 95 year old grandmothers sitting room that she never lets anybody into. I love industrial interior design and that along with the art ued really set this thing off

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