După o perioadă plăcută pe coasta Andaluziei, îmi spun „la revedere” Mediteranei. Am pornit cursul spre Gibraltar și am andocat în portul de agrement La Linea, lângă faimoasa stâncă din Gibraltar, ceea ce este un punct culminant personal pentru mine. Urc telecabina până în vârful stâncii, unde sunt maimuțele, apoi ocolesc Gibraltar cu bicicleta și filmez peisajul impresionant. Continui navigarea spre Rio Guadiana. Conduc prin zona, în care se spune că orcile sunt în prezent, dar pot evita o întâlnire. După o traversare grea, îmi leagă liniile în Ayamonte la Rio Guadiana. Bucurați-vă de videoclip! www.mjambo.de Facebook: M Jambo Sailing Instagram: martin_jambo Tip Box: PayPal.Me/mjambosailing Link-uri către carte: SUA: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Marea Britanie: https://www.amazon .co.uk/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Germania: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Franța: https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Spania: https://www.amazon.es/ dp/B0BPGBSXMR Italia: https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Țările de Jos: https://www.amazon.nl/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Polonia: https://www.amazon.pl/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Suedia: https://www.amazon.se/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Japonia: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Australia: https:/ /www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Link-uri de prieteni: https://www.yachtall.com/ https://www.boote-yachten.de/de/ https://www.happycharter.com/ https://www.jendrikodenwald.com/
Marea aventură cu navigație Ep. 4: Via Gibraltar până la Rio Guadiana

29 thoughts on “Marea aventură cu navigație Ep. 4: Via Gibraltar până la Rio Guadiana”
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Immer wieder schön, deine Videos zu sehen
Wonderful video. Winter is arriving. Time to head to the Bahamas, see you soon. Cheers
Excellent, thanks.
Gruß aus Weeze
Hallo Martin. Ich bin passionierter paddler und liebe die ruhe und die schönheit der see. Da ich leider durch körperliche beschwerden im moment nicht paddeln kann und nicht weiss wie es weiter geht plane ich mir einen kindheitstraum zu erfüllen. In deutschland war dieser traum nicht greifbar für mich doch da ich seit 2009 in norwegen lebe sieht dies anders aus. Mein plan ist es mir nächstes jahr ein segelschiff zu kaufen. Bin als youtuber natürlich viel bei youtube unterwegs um zu lernen und mir wissen an zu eignen. Da bin ich auf deinen kanal gestossen und muss dir einfach mal sagen das du ein richtiger gute laune bär bist. Alleine über den atlantik und jeden tag ein dickes grinsen auf dem gesicht. Macht einfach spass und gibt einem motivation leute zu sehen denen man ansieht das sie lieben was sie machen! Schöne grüsse aus kragrø und solltest du mal in der nähe sein sag bescheid dann komm ich rum auf ein anker bier!
Deine Filme sind grossartig, Du machst so viele Dinge alleine. Sachen ,fuer die auf anderen Boten drei Mann nicht ausreichen.Die Dronen aufnahme westlich vom Girbaltar Felsen-neben der Landebahn !!- meine Hochachtung
we have it now…

Absolutely brilliant as usual Martin, best regards from Scotland.
Awesome – I ALWAYS love your videos and watch out for them – they make me smile. Keep going
Always glade to see your smiling face loving your adventures and sharing with us. As always stay safe An well .
All the best from Cornwall
Hi Martin, kannst Du vielleicht mal in einem Video zwischendurch zeigen, wie Du alleine das Dingi wieder an Bord holst und festmachst? Gruß aus Hamburg und schönes Video wieder einmal.
Love your videos Martin. Always a buzz to get the notification of a new one uploaded. Your boat seems to be well sorted and a credit to you and all the work that you put in since your last big trip.
Great job Martin! Would love to get another update on your set up- especially for single handing! Cheers from Canada.
Another great video! Greetings from Cape Coral, USA!
You have two languages channel as we do. Does it confuse viewers sometimes so they ask you for subtitles?
I always love your Videos absloutely exeiting to watch Good Job Martin
Fantastic as always Martin. Once again thank you for taking the time to do an English version. Cheers. Dean.
Brilliant Martin.

Another great video from The Happy German! Thanks Martin for the English version and greetings from England!
Martin, is your last name Jambo?
I walked past Jambo today in the harbour at Santa Cruz de Tenerife. All looked fine and secure. I took a photo, which I can send if you have an email
So, mich bist jetzt los. Dein Deutsch war doch wenigstens gut. Aber dein Englisch. Again what learnt …
Martin, i love your “ frauen parkplatze”, @8:49,5th Rosia Battery.

Those Orcas must be starving, that is crazy!
I suppose they think the sailboat is a big juicy whale.
I've been very close to them in a small open dinghy many times, but this makes me a bit apprehensive. Here in Norway they usually have a good supply of Herring, but if we keep fishing Krill that may change.
A man in the water looks very similar to another thing on their menu, a Seal. We're sort of blubbery and tasty like them, too.
What kind of internet are you juicing onboard, is there a unlimete internet wolrd wide by a provider
Thank you Martin totally love your detailed videos amazing escapism having not been out of the UK for years keep them coming
Really enjoy your videos Martin. You are living my dream which I hope to be able to do one day. Keep sailing,stay safe & thanks for doing the English versions.