Go Sail Cargo Sailing Ships

Go Sail Cargo Sailing Ships

Pentru mai multe informații https://www.gosailcargo.com/


14 thoughts on “Go Sail Cargo Sailing Ships

  1. As soon as I clicked on the video, I recognized the voice as that of Sailing Kate Louise. The cameo of your Stornoway 18 was the clincher. I do hope you're not going to abandon your other channel. Great content BTW.

  2. I really never understood why we were so quick to abandon a working mature technology with over 5000 years of R&D behind it. Nice to see it making a come back.

  3. This is a right load of bollocks ! so you build a sail boat to carry 5 containers ?? Who is the moron that thinks that this will replace the thousands of ships that each carry thousands of containers every single day ?
    Where do you think the 20,000 sailing ships needed each day, in every port of the world each and every day are going to berth ???

  4. Not that it is a dumb idea it isn't on the small scale. on the large there is now way.
    Lets do some simple math though. How many wooden sail cargo boats will it take to replace one mid sized container cargo ship? Well the largest sailing cargo ship had a capacity of 8960 tons one 40 foot container can carry 30 tons. that's 300 "40 foot" containers. And a average container ship can carry 10,000
    containers you finish the math.
    Never mind there is no fully rigged sailing ship that can accommodate even one Intermodal container. and i dont see the whole way a shipping items to change back to the way it was 150 years ago.

    And lastly using a ban on petrol and diesel cars in the UK to start a video for sailing cargo vessels is dumb. because no ban has yet been announced world wide. Is pretty low.
    And there is no way the UK will ever meet that 2030 deadline to go 100% electric in eight years.

  5. I like the designs BUT labor costs are going to be too high to run a truly classic rigged vessel. I can see he really wants to bring back both as opportunities. Seawing and low maintenance, higher efficiency automated designs will lead the way. Why would I ever build a vessel that requires 12 full time staff when I can automate almost all of it with seawing and some electrics and maybe 2 to 4 crew?

  6. i've been lamenting that, the days when people would load their sailboats with cargo and sail around the bay ended centuries ago, and i could'nt do that today.

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