Partea de yachting pe care nu o vezi | Yacht Axioma

Partea de yachting pe care nu o vezi |  Yacht Axioma

Bine ați venit la episodul 1 din Axioma în șantierul naval care se pregătește pentru viitorul sezon din Caraibe. Acest episod este o prezentare generală a episoadelor viitoare. Charter Axioma Mai jos: Instagram: Axioma: Jared Watney: Chef Dean: https: // – Producție de: Cum să devii membru al echipajului de iaht: Biblioteca echipajului: http://www.crewlibrary .com Jared Watney este îmbrăcat de Cuts Clothing – „JWatney” la casă pentru o reducere epică.


29 thoughts on “Partea de yachting pe care nu o vezi | Yacht Axioma

  1. I got a ‘?’ For you the jet skis and the boats that are on the yacht, how do u refuel them after there out of gasoline and your out at sea ? If the next day they want to use them?

  2. 1) great intro video to this series.
    2) Based on my time in the Navy I HATED the yard period. A lot of work, life disrupted, and dirt everywhere. Preferred being operational even if that meant out to sea away from family.
    3) Sad in these times (early 2022) that M/Y Axioma is impounded (or arrested whatever the correct legal term is) in Gibraltar due to its ownership. I feel for the crew as they navigate this uncertain period in their lives. I feel for the boat as it was reported damaged by a storm while tied up in Gibraltar. This does not mean that I support the owner in anyway. Thanks for this video Jared.

  3. It's a gorgeous ship – sorry it was confiscated by our government. I think what they did was wrong – put a lot of people out of work. People missed opportunities to charter her. Wish our government wouldn't turn politics into personal vendettas. Pretty sure the government hasn't taken nearly as good care of her. They do a good job of ruining anything they get their hands on.

  4. Funny how it’s now been auctioned off for $75 Million!!! Cos some Russian oligarch couldn’t pay the bill, soooooo when were you saying this was up for hire!? 🤣😂🤣

  5. This $75 million super yacht is being auctioned off next week by Gibraltar's Admiralty Court, as J.P. Morgan have successfully petitioned the Court to recover an unpaid $20 million loan. The Russian owner, no longer holds title to this vessel. I guess even billionaires like he is, can still face cash flow problems.

  6. Has been seized in Gibraltar from sanctioned Russian billionaire , now being auctioned at reduced price to pay off money owed to JP Morgan , etc ….

  7. Not impressed. What would be impressive is rather than spending $75M on an outlandish ego trip, the owner could have completely changed the lives of 10,000+ families that have nothing. New owner coming soon apparently, new owner, same as the old owner I'm sure.

  8. Obviously got paid by the number of times he said “detailed” – incredibly irritating. Hope he got paid before the crony of Putin who owned this yacht got sanctioned, or perhaps not.

  9. I honestly wouldn't want it. The property taxes, the fuel and the cost of maintenance are horrifying. One must be a billionaire to afford such a waste of resources. And it only requires one severe storm or accident to send it to the bottom of the sea.

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