Un sfârșit emoțional lângă Polul Nord – Sailing Uma [Step 288]

Un sfârșit emoțional lângă Polul Nord - Sailing Uma [Step 288]

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24 thoughts on “Un sfârșit emoțional lângă Polul Nord – Sailing Uma [Step 288]

  1. HOW GOOD IS THAT EPISSODE..!!?? In the closing shots with the camera angle panning back fixed on the glaacier, then Uma charging left to right across the screen as the music builds, it got quite emotional..!!!
    Seriously good cinematography and editing. What a great team you three are. Dan, Kik, Uma.
    Thank you for your inspiration and sharing your journey with us.

  2. I've compared your season 13 with The Delos Crew expedition north 80° and I love yours more ❤.
    I paid $$ to see theirs so I will be topping that amount for watching yours .
    Thanks again !

  3. You made Uma shine in that final drone clip. Leaning with water rushing past her bow and the drone circling the opposite way , she looked like she was flying .

  4. I couldn't agree more you had to get out out amongst the bergs but felt jittery about you leaving your home just floating around the arctic at the mouth of an active glacier.
    Love your work!

  5. Bravo Kika and and Dan. I came back to watch this epic part of your journey. I will always remember this as an inspiration. A small electric boat, two smart strong self taught sailors making a film, sharing it with us. Part art, part adventure, part love story. Thank you for making these films

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