Lucrurile bolnave pe care modelele IG le fac în Dubai

Lucrurile bolnave pe care modelele IG le fac în Dubai

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47 thoughts on “Lucrurile bolnave pe care modelele IG le fac în Dubai

  1. The girls in the beginning are reality stars. I used the girl (ocean el himer & more of them ) to demonstrate what the Arab men typically go for / posers on Instagram

  2. I know this is hard work. But it’s even harder to start from the ground up and work toward the life you want without falling back on your looks. I sometimes wanna give into it as I’m broke and struggling but I wouldn’t be true to me. I’ll be okay eventually. I just don’t like the normalization of it I guess because it makes me feel broke AND unattractive. It can really mess with your self worth as a woman even if you know some of its fake.

  3. So many dumb as assumptions in here. Do you realise how many models would work out of dubai and how much money is there… Assuming a type of person would prostitute themselves based on their job and where they work is moronic. Yes it happens a bit, NO every good looking girl who goes to the desert is not a prostitute

  4. The girls do it and are shamed for it. Okay, they chose. Now what about those men ? The men paying those girls and actually doing these things to them are just fine. Because people respect money no matter what's behind it. Edit: Glad to see people thinking saying the same thing in the comments. Faith in humanity restored

  5. This has been going on for years. I would imagine much worse now with Instagram. When I worked on Wall Street there were always girls with “a wardrobe deficit” showing up with everyone in suits. In the bathroom we could here these girls discuss making a living on the “p-nises with wallets”. It was actually rather sad to see. Get the education and be respectful and you are the dignified wife if that’s what they seek.

  6. You should be shaming the rich men, not the women!! They're probably desperate and the men take advantage of that. And It's those men who do sick things dude

  7. Dude seriously. Instagram is just fake. Most of the influencers you see are broke sugar babies and not rich kids like they claim to be. I’ve been there and done that myself.
    But to be honest the Habibi men are super perverted just sayin

  8. I dont understand those girls… I mean, we all know what is going on in Dubai, so why would you post a pic from Dubai? Why would you rat yourself out like that?

  9. Just have to say THANK YOU TUNDE!! Never seen any of your videos before and the couple I have seen so far have me laughing like crazy and just plain interested! I was having the my worst day mentally with some absurd thought sinking in, recently suffered TBI from a violent car accident so I really needed something to smile about today so thank you man. Subscribed lol

  10. Any woman that is willing to do these things is severely damaged. Possibly from childhood neglet/abuse. I don't think its fair to shame them and post there photos. Its those awful men asking for child rolpay that need to be outed!!

  11. Sooo, whats the problem?
    Isnt this how the world works. It wouldnt be so obvious but its not new that rich people buy themselves woman without actually wanting to marray them.
    South park did a whole episode on this topic where erveryones finding it outragous that rich man use their money to get women and try to have sex with them.

  12. You speak some good facts my friend people think that you're jealous of these people you're not jealous I'm not jealous of these people I don't care for famous people we live in a world where we worship material and we worship and idolize famous people who are not good people to begin with half of them that Kardashians are not that good looking but they use all plastic surgery in a fake it's a fake world my friend this is why I have no respect for Humanity today..

  13. some time ago a very sad „trend“ kinda started, where one instagram model after the other just „dissapeared“ this is sad and scary at the same time

  14. I laugh hard every time i hear woman calling themselves „entrepreneurs“ or „boss b!tch“… no you women go to Dubai, where men sh!t on mirrors and you gotta eat that for 10k$. The most pathetic things those women do… hahaha Entrepreneur…❤

  15. They’re just dumb hoes. Instead of choosing any other path they think they are high class and getting what they deserve, yet they’re just a flesh animal scurrying around in the dirt. They created their own suffering.

  16. People think I’m capping but nah. These girls get flown out to take some IG photos get some cash and get pooped on god damn.

  17. One thing I respect about the man, is he's actually taking a real adult and asking her to act like a kid instead of actually taking children like some of these weird dudes out here. He clearly has fetish, but he's ensuring he's not mol** anyone.

    But the way, in case my comment is confusing, I do not support this kind of behavior. I prefer older ladies and prefer to court, instead of buy.

  18. I would believe they are modern escorts.
    Every single girl I have ever known who posts about their body and expensive lifestyle have achieved it as via an older man paying for it. They dont pay for these things without getting something in exchange.
    Never envy what somebody else has because you may not be willing to do what they did to achieve it.

  19. So what I got from this: "ig models" = modern day prostitutes (which never went away, just got different names) and their managers or the industry pays them hella money or rapes them and sends them on their way to Dubai for them to go through the same thing they went through to GET THERE!

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