Un vas de croazieră de pasageri într-o furtună de 12 puncte!

Un vas de croazieră de pasageri într-o furtună de 12 puncte!

Ne uităm cu invidie la pasagerii care urcă pe vasele de croazieră, ne imaginăm vacanța lor uimitoare pe oceanele nesfârșite. Nu este o surpriză, deoarece navele de croazieră moderne au aproape totul pentru o vacanță scumpă, de elită, inclusiv restaurante, baruri, piscine, săli de sport și terenuri de tenis, iar interiorul magnific al cabinelor emană pur și simplu lux. Dar în timpul vacanței în astfel de condiții, oamenii uită adesea că sunt în ocean și viețile lor sunt amenințate mult mai mari decât cele dintr-un hotel de 5 stele pe uscat. Oceanul este destul de agitat și uneori poate fi o forță a naturii capabilă să distrugă orice i se află în cale. Este capabil să vă strice viziunea romantică despre vacanțe scumpe, cum ar fi o croazieră de sute sau mii de mile. #Pandora SUA#


30 thoughts on “Un vas de croazieră de pasageri într-o furtună de 12 puncte!

  1. aka when landrats board an ocean ship and expect no shaking
    I mean none of the scenes looked scary but those cruise interiors aren't even designed like an actual ship cabin, you wouldn't put anything in unless it's fixable in position

  2. I'm gonna shock the hell outta you climate change nut balls out there. I'm 60 years old and twice in my life, as a very young person, I got caught in a surprise storm on the water, once on a ferry in the waters of the Pacific and the other on a lake. Both were pretty scary and both were TOTALLY NATURAL HAPPENINGS. Weather happens, especially over water, it's a chance you take, kinda like flying. Actually make that 3 episodes on the water. The first was also on a ferry going thru the straight on the way to Alaska but it was just a "thing" , not a storm. I was very little so don't remember what the explanation was but, EVERYONE was seasick and throwing up, even the crew. It was gross, I do remember that. Still, not climate change.

  3. But how do you ‘just run into a storm’
    It’s not 1465.

    Dropping a shameless woke ism to global warming is just pathetic.


  4. You used footage from other ships in storms when you were describing specific cruses and ships. That is just false video's and narratives

  5. I just wanna say, dont give miss leading information. Costa Concordia didn't sink because it flipped over during a storm,… it sank because the captain litreally sailed towards the rocks (same as the titanic basically). So it's not fair to compare it to weather storms… There arent any big cruises that have sank beacuse of a storm.
    As google says: In fact the last cruise ship that sank purely due to flooding in rough weather was the MTS Oceanos off South Africa's Wild Coast, back in 1990 – and she was an ocean liner-turned cruise ship (therefore a quite small ship compared to nowadays curises).

  6. Yes,the Cruise looks beautiful but don't risk it if You can't swim cuz You never know.. capsizing,thunderstorms,icebergs.. &no matter wut anyone says no ship is unsinkable

  7. Even though it wasn't a storm, the pool on my cruise ship be like: 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

  8. I got caught in a nine hour storm storm crossing the Bay of Biscay
    Trust me once you've experienced it you'll never set foot on a ship again. It's truly horrific. You think it's going to hit the sea floor it goes down that far and coming up your guts stay down there. And all hour after hour after hour.

  9. Been to 3 cruises and all had been great except on one when we had to miss a port because of a distress call from another ship so we had to stay within rescue distance as per law of the seas. It ended up well, no rescuing needed & we went on our way.

  10. That one captain was irresponsible!
    I was on the original Carnival Celebration in 1997 New Orleans, Florida, around Cuba, Grand Cayman to Cozumel and back to Louisiana. Out past Cuba we hit a big storm. It was a far smaller ship than today’s ships. It was due to be refurbished. Some said it was about to be retired. I know we had a cabin with very worn ripped fabric so wasn’t impressed. But the bigger issue was she lost her stabilizers. Already on good days the ship would violently shake repeatedly. Made it hard on the waiters! So this stormy night we had 40 foot swells. Everyone was sea sick- staff too. Gravol and meds didn’t help nor injections given by a very drunk doctor. They said to sit up by the pool – in the open- to help with the seasickness. And we would all lift our feet as the water would roll out of the pool to one side of the ship- try to drain, and then roll back. Not too gently either. I remember looking down to those swells and thinking i should jump just to get off this rolling hell. Crazy thought. There was a young, just married couple sitting beside us on that deck. They had just got on at the last port straight from flying in from their wedding. I really felt for her. Her eardrum had burst on her flight to the ship and she was in extreme pain. Then this. Hell for her. I am not much of a beach person. Instead of shopping/ sight seeing, the next day i planted my butt on the sand at a beach in Grand Cayman and wished i never had to get back on the ship( we could it see in port). I never wanted to leave land again! Swore next time i pick a destination, i will fly there. No need to be that ill for part of your vacation. Surprisingly with those high seas, we never felt we were in danger.

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