Cei mai de succes marinari olimpici din toate timpurile

Cei mai de succes marinari olimpici din toate timpurile

De când navigația a debutat la Jocurile Olimpice din 1900, au fost doar 16 sportivi care au câștigat 2 aurii și o medalie de altă culoare. 🥇🌊 Acest videoclip numără invers până la cel mai de succes marinar olimpic din toate timpurile. Un singur Ben Ainslie, care a câștigat 4 auri și 1 argint. Un record care probabil că nu va fi doborât în ​​curând. Marinarul tău preferat a făcut listă? Cine are ghinion să nu fie inclus?🥇 Vrei să-ți îmbunătățești propria navigație? ⛵️ Consultați articolele de la marinari de top, inclusiv Ben Ainslie însuși aici: https://dinghyracingtips.com/


9 thoughts on “Cei mai de succes marinari olimpici din toate timpurile

  1. Good list. I would have hoped to see Slingsby, Outteridge, Bertrand as well but numbers don't fib. Top of my list is Elvstrøm both because of his innovations but also because of his other small boat success (Snipe, 505, Star, Dragon, FD, Tornado & I'm sure I've missed some) outside of the Olympics.

  2. A guy all George Bruder, did not compete on Olympic because he pass on a plane crash in early 70’ after a wining the Finn gold cup! Sure there are some Brazilians watching this.

  3. Good one, but the boat at 2:10 is a not a Soling, but a Tempest, which was set on fire by British sailors Alan Warren and David Hunt after finishing 14th at the 1976 Olympics in Canada (right event, wrong boat). Further, Matthew Belchers latest crew, Will Ryan, won a Gold and Silver together with him (not two golds).

  4. King Haarald of Norway , and King Constantine of Greece also represented their countries in the Olympics , and Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark has represented Denmark many times ,including last week at the International championships , which were held in Denmark. France won overall , and New Zealand came second. Crown Prince Frederik was a member of the Danish team and Crown Princess Mary was a member of the Australian team. She just beat Prince Frederik in one of the races and he roared with laughter.

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