O plimbare Squally de la Barbados la Martinica – Sailing Greatcircle (ep.242)

O plimbare Squally de la Barbados la Martinica - Sailing Greatcircle (ep.242)

După 2 săptămâni în Barbados, este timpul să mergem mai departe și vom naviga împreună cu Outremer 51 Spekeend către Martinica


26 thoughts on “O plimbare Squally de la Barbados la Martinica – Sailing Greatcircle (ep.242)

  1. Dank voor de super beelden en dat we mogen meevaren! Hoeveel moet de motor/generatoe op een dag aan om voldoende stroom te hebben voor alle apparatuur? Als ik de dronebeelden zie is er nog wel wat ruimte op het dak voor wat ‘minder efficiente panelen of is dat te dicht bij de mast. Mssch nog x het navigatiepaneel uitleggen voor de leek. Moeilijk om op iphone alle kleine lettertjes te ontcijferen. Geniet van de trip!!

  2. Hi Mark, some great footage with the drone and the sail look wonderful.
    Question time, Now that you and Marijke have sailed across the Atlantic with both the L52S and O55 and you have spent what 3 plus years sailing on the Lagoon and now only 4 to 6 months with the Outremer, which of the two do you guys prefer??
    Yes, the L52S does have the closed helm, is big and spacious but heavier, the O55 is lighter but faster.

  3. “Slalom between the boats” perfect use of the term. I got it immediately. I enjoy your channel, your photography, your narrative, and music. Thank you

  4. Great video Marc and Marijke! Thank you so much for the exciting videos in 2021. I'm sure 2022 videos will surpass the adventures of 2021. I await the next video!💥💥💥💥👍🏾💥 Stay safe out there!

  5. Hi Marc…In the early drone shots of Spekeend it looked like she was stalling at the top of the waves, or was that just the camera angle.

  6. The drone footage definitely shows a better understanding of the size of the swells! Great average speed! I always find heading into the swell, tests the Stomach more. Thanks for sharing. 😎🏖🌴☀️🇦🇺

  7. Love the long drone shots where you can actually get into the feeling of the boat sailing. Hate it when people do vids and cut to different angles every 2 seconds. Well Done 🙂

  8. Great to see you with a reach and how the motion of the boat is on this point of sail. I notice you had a lot of twist in the main. Is that to spill the wind at the top? Or can you not keep it in a plane because the mainsheet is at the end of the track and the boom is further out? or are the telltales saying this is the optimum? Great videos of 55 sailing with lots of wind! Regards Murray and Jean

  9. You make me yearn for the sea. Just a great channel. Great atmosphere, low key and informative. When I hit the lottery I will be getting a 55 ordered immediately.

  10. Was the boat speed what it would give or what you were comfortable with? I would have thoughg with that wind at 120TWA the cat would have been able to go closer to 20kts.

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