Petrecerea Dagenham a lui Pat Tate

Petrecerea Dagenham a lui Pat Tate

Crimele Rettendon (cunoscute și sub numele de crime Range Rover sau crime din Essex) ale lui Pat Tate Tony Tucker și Craig Rolfe au avut loc la 6 decembrie 1995 în satul Rettendon din Essex. Lista completă a cazului și procesului pentru tine AICI: Conectează-te cu mine aici 👥 Twitter – Instagram – https://www.


43 thoughts on “Petrecerea Dagenham a lui Pat Tate

  1. Tate telling that drunk guy to drive him back to his house to get more gear, then fobbing him off when they got back. What an arsehole he was

  2. In todays world these little bully boy maggots would get merked twice in an afternoon by today crews consisting of teenagers. Shows what spineless cowards they lived around let these wankers get away with

  3. I was there! Me and the devil ole Pat threw acid house dance shapes through the night 🌙. The Craig Woof monster tried to square up to me outside so l flicked my lit ciggy in his face . Orange flame everywhere. He backed off. He was very drunk, upsetting everyone at the bash . Mug

  4. Tate gets stopped by French Police as he exits the Chunnel

    French Cop: "Monsieur, we found a block of soft, strong smelling substance with a yellowish tinge in your luggage. Can you explain what it is…?"

    Tate: "CHEESE, YA CANT!"

  5. I know I'll never understand the world of the Essex boys, but hearing how Carlton Leach talks about his old mates, and seeing comments from people that knew (or pretend to) the boys and talk warmly about them, I question the moral fabric of these people. If stories like these are true, then Tate and the rest of them was horrible people, especially in context of what they apparently did to people not participating in that world.

  6. What gangster doesn't have £40k for a deal, i think this lot were small time, Rolfe was just a runner, Tony was the only one with money.and Mick Steele of course.

  7. Total BS they were way of their league upset to many bigger ppl, live by the sword die by the sword. This has totally been over glamorised where wanna be thugs are still living of move on.

  8. To do that to a decent bloke who helped his gf move was so low.
    Jones brothers maybe Billy and Eddie Blundell
    I think the snooker hall was the Chequers that’s been pulled down now.
    I bet the Essex boys never started on Davey Maxwell, of Scrattons in Dagenham read up about him.

  9. Look at this guy trying to make money from YouTube by reading off everything he's ever read! This guy tells the story but doesn't even know the actual truth! Boring…..

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