6 LUNI DE MUNCĂ în 17 MIN. Refit uriaș de barcă!

6 LUNI DE MUNCĂ în 17 MIN.  Refit uriaș de barcă!

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33 thoughts on “6 LUNI DE MUNCĂ în 17 MIN. Refit uriaș de barcă!

  1. ILooks like a nice cruising hull and i will be interested to see what happens with motor, toilet and refrigeration. I have a 32 foot timber yacht that I first launched in 1981. Keeping rain water out of the topsides is the most important thing and I have had to replace the mahogany cockpit coamings before giving up on a clear finish and glassing deck and cabin sides. Good luck with your new ship.

  2. as I can't get enough of one video a week and one live blog update a week on Patreon, I keep coming back to this video every few weeks. The one video that got me hooked! You guys are awesome ✨

  3. Just discovered your channel. Wow I believe you could have bought a new one for this much work. You have done a glorious job! Your friend must know everything about boat. You are so blessed! I pray it’s not too long before you can get started again. Be Well & safe!!

  4. Lol I thought what refit? The boat is perfect. And then he tears apart the rotten wood… just like HMS Victory in 1900. An admiral pierced her hull with his walking stick, proclaiming it the most rotten vessel in his majesty's navy. Now she's all perfect same as yours. That would be too much work for me, I want to find a smaller one, where the core is ok but maybe the interiors need a lot of work and the paint is old etc…

    Schöni Arbeit!

  5. Very impressive and beautify restoration… I have to ask though, the boat is not that old and to have so many serious issues makes one wonder about the building quality and design. I am sure you have wondered the same thing. I wish you well as the project wouldn't get a 2nd look by most looking for a refit project… correction, this is not a refit, this is a REBUILD.

  6. things like 11 grand for a boat that essentially needs to be completely rebuilt 100 grand for a boat that needs another unexpected million dollars is what has kill the long standing dream of this life.

  7. I know the intent is to sail this boat and not flip it. Still, the YouTube channel has documented the refit in a way that should give anyone total confidence in this boat. Good job.

  8. Are you trust funds or do you refit sailboats and sell them ?
    Or are you shiprites ?
    I have to remark that you do wonderful work as a shiprite 👍

    Insight regarding re-enforcing the structural beam with the thin aluminum sheet between the boards is clever 👍

    Your to young to be retired…..
    Keep entertaining us viewers 👍

  9. What an incredible craft-man Mr A is, and what a great video maker and "håndtlanger" you are. Your precision and stamina to not cut corners is so inspiring. We are preparing for our blue water sailing adventure. This season is al about getting to know the boat, a Bruce Farr Beneteau 50, along our home coast i Norway wich will give us plenty of bluewater as well as archipelago to test the boat and us. See you at sea!

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