Sailing (Versuri Video) – Rod Stewart

Sailing (Versuri Video) - Rod Stewart

UNA DINTRE CÂNTELE NOASTRE PREFERATE: (Relaxant, plăcut și memorabil) SAILING (Rod Stewart) O ALĂ CÂNTEC POPULAR DE ROD STEWART CU VERSURI VIDEO: I Was Only Joking ( I Don’t Wanna Talk Despre acesta ( Unii băieți au tot norocul ( Acest videoclip cu versuri conține material cu drepturi de autor precum melodia melodiei originale de la adevărații proprietari.


19 thoughts on “Sailing (Versuri Video) – Rod Stewart

  1. "My father is Died,💔My mother has no job "
    " i pllay well and editd video "
    But no support 😢 '
    I hope you see the message♥️😭

  2. "My father is Died,💔My mother has no job "
    " i pllay well and editd video "
    But no support 😢 '
    I hope you see the message♥️😭

  3. "My father is Died,💔My mother has no job "
    " i pllay well and editd video "
    But no support 😢 '
    I hope you see the message♥️😭

  4. "My father is Died,💔My mother has no job "
    " i pllay well and editd video "
    But no support 😢 '
    I hope you see the message♥️😭

  5. "My father is Died,💔My mother has no job "
    " i pllay well and editd video "
    But no support 😢 '
    I hope you see the message♥️😭

  6. I have been busy this past few days and am so glad you shared with me songs that I long to hear ,my favorites from my younger days that I love to hear, thank you Rod for sharing with me songs that are my favorite that makes me more closer to love music .more power to you Rod, God Bless You!!!

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