S2 E5 Ea plutește! Acum ce? | Navigand cu Six

S2 E5 Ea plutește!  Acum ce?  |  Navigand cu Six

În acest episod finalizăm ultimele lucruri pe hard înainte de stropire. Odată ce știm că plutește, ne întoarcem mâna spre a învăța toate sistemele „în apă”. Avem probleme cu supraîncălzirea generatorului, ne străduim să punem din nou în funcțiune aparatul de apă și ne confruntăm cu și mai multe provocări când motorul de la tribord pierde marșarierul. Totuși, perseverăm în fața visului și pregătim cu succes barca și navigăm spre apus… Pentru cei dintre voi care au ratat ceea ce s-a întâmplat cu Pippi, puteți revedea „Actualizarea în timp real” de anul trecut aici https://youtu.be /W7wiMD7gCJU unde intrăm în mai multe detalii. Comentați mai jos, apăsați subscribe și deveniți Patreon… Alăturați-vă familiei noastre Patreon https://www.patreon.com/sailingwithsix Pentru a vedea unde ne aflăm în timp real, accesați https://forecast.predictwind.com/tracking/display /ToreaVI Urmărește-ne pe Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sailingwithsix/ Facebook https://web.facebook.com/sailingwithsix/ Website https://sailingwithsix.com/


41 thoughts on “S2 E5 Ea plutește! Acum ce? | Navigand cu Six

  1. I always look forward to your videos and this one did not disappoint either. Thank you, love your channel. I hope to see more videos soon.

  2. Good video! When everyone helps out, it doesn't take as long to get the job done. Hope you don't have any more problems and get some much needed play time on Happy Days.

  3. Such amazing team work from all of you and knowing your limits and skills takes courage to admit…get in you guys….love the videos 😊

  4. Plenty of people take their children sailing ( good for them ) not so many get them to take part in the maintenace ( even better. ) Fantastic to see them all getting stuck in.

  5. Love watching you guys. I love how enthusiastic the kids are and always first to get stuck in. However I feel I need closure on what happened to Pip 😂

  6. Very impressive the way all of you work together to make things come together, so good for the kids to be skilled this way. Happy sailing in the new Cat.

  7. Love your channel. We recently sold our home on an empty nest adventure. Your videos are always so upbeat and positive. Don’t your kids ever grumble, argue, or those introverts might need some personal space? Would love to see how you navigate the emotional and mental boundaries as a Christ following family. Such a great testimony if you can make some videos that talk about topics you navigate as a family (the hard days). Prayers for your journey! ❤️🙏🏻

  8. Really enjoyed this video. I really enjoy seeing the nitty gritty details of boat maintenance and repair – it’s not always fair winds and following seas, is it?

  9. Just finished the big binge and…WOW! What a truly amazing family adventure you are on. So much love and joy. Can't wait to see the new series: "Sailing with Six. The Catamaran Years!" Be safe.

  10. I love it that the two “older” kids were helping with the cone clutch. Such awesome parents to trust them to help. You two are teaching them that team work in marriage is so important and also being honest w each other one what your good at. Because the only goal should be getting it done together 🙂

  11. if you are a father of six, I can only bow and would say God helps you. I wrote this before watching the video , no matter how it is , you deserve a thumbs up .

  12. wow, that positivity and your ability to handle all of it makes me subscribe for more authentic content… well done & thx for sharing

  13. This makes my third video I have watched today. The children are well rounded, kind and caring kids that love their amazing parents. Love this channel. I’ll binge watch! 😊

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