Jack Haines, editor adjunct al MBY, ne duce în topul Princess X95 Superfly la evenimentul de preluare a Royal William Yard… Specificații Princess X95 LOA: 95ft 6in (29.10m) Lungimea: 22ft 3in (6.77m) Pescaj: 6ft 0in (2,01 m) Deplasare (încărcat): 118 tone Motoare: Diesel MAN V12 Twin de 1.900 CP Capacitate combustibil: 13.400 litri Capacitate apă: 1.800 litri Viteză maximă: 23,7 noduri Viteză de croazieră: 18,6 noduri Autonomie: 4418 nm, 6 noduri Raza de acțiune: 4418 nm, 2,6 noduri Categoria RCD: B pentru 20 de persoane Design: Olesinski/Princess/Pininfarina ► Deveniți Abonat GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a MBY acum – https://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv?sub_confirmation=1 ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, echipament nou lansări și știri din tur, vizitați site-ul nostru aici – http://www.mby.com ► Dă-ne Like pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/motorboatandyachting ► Urmărește-ne pe Twitter: https://twitter.com/ mbymagazine ► Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/motorboat_and_yachting/ ► Ce ai părut? Anunțați-ne în comentariile de mai jos! ► Amintiți-vă să apăsați butonul de LIKE și să vă abonați dacă v-a plăcut
Accesați toate zonele prințesei Superfly | Tur cu iahtul Princess X95 | MBY

33 thoughts on “Accesați toate zonele prințesei Superfly | Tur cu iahtul Princess X95 | MBY”
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Looks top heavy and unseaworthy.
Why is he whispering?! Oh my gosh! Is he sneaking onto this boat?!?!?!
Interesting a great size yacht with a great interior. Thank you.
Why do you say trooth? Looks scheit
"Superfly" kinda sums it up
Jack sounds out of breath in all the videos. Hope he's ok.
Beautiful Yacht.
They put a hot tub in front of the wheelhouse? Nobody sees any navigation issues here? Anyone? Anyone?
With all of the glass it looks like a fancy chinese passenger ferry to me. Back to the drawing board, Princess!
bit behind the times here! Nick aka aquaholic did this craft so long ago Princess are getting ready to release the newer version!
Can't argue with the space you get from this boat, but holy crap is it ugly.
Whose game is changed? Those that don't earn their wealth. So many brown nosers commenting here.
The exterior just doesn't work for me. Unbalanced, not elegant at all. I'm sure some will buy because beyond these features it's an excellent vessel, but I'm also sure many will pass because it doesn't have the wow factor on first sight.
Why you breathing so heavy buddy?
You’re breathing pretty labored there bubba walking just a bit.
I find the exterior to be a bit "challenging" aesthetically. Lovely ship but I just can't get over it looking like a chubby whale. Also I'd rather have another cabin for kids than that huge closet in the VIP level. The separate toilets/bathroom layout in that VIP just seems like a waste of space, you could stick an almost as big closet in that area and still have a very spacious head. Also I like the country kitchen/open layout, but only if its on a boat where you have forward facing windows with a nice view over the bow. AKA you can sit anywhere on the main deck and get a 360 degree view.
I'm sorry to say this but watching your video's gives me a headache. To much jerkiness. Too much zoom in and making turns with sometimes going in circles. Not smooth.
The family that gets together, sh**'s together. Nice tour.
What know MSRP? I'm going to click on to aquaholic!!!
Seems like a different design approach like Dream Yachts did – have the nose bolted on, so it does not count, staying under 24m regulations and avoid all the hassle of a large yacht….
Stunning. I'm in the wrong bloody job
Calling a 95 "superyacht" is getting ridiculous.
Is this $12 million
What a stunning lady princess
You're a princess
I'm assuming that was built for colder climates as there is more indoor space, because it wasn't built for looks. It is one of the ugliest floating garages I've seen.
ป๋าแอ ป๋า ทัช รับเรือ ไว้เถอะครับ
I like the layout of the boat somewhat. But it is a nice boat.
You should start to do some sports, you are breathing like an old man even after moving just a few meters
wow that is ugly
Une magnifique configuration pour propriétaire et invités VIP..
J'aime beaucoup la version X95, mais en format Y95, une idée assez séduisante du bien être et de plaisir partagé, sur les flots…
Toujours dans la gamme de taille similaire, à comparer avec le Pearl 95, les Sunseeker 95 et 100, les Riva 90 Argo et 100 Corsaro…
Ce Princess Y95 est très attractif, et surtout très flexible en terme de configuration.
Une très belle présentation.
Really just the right size. Not too big,nor too small. Do they do deliveries obviously worldwide and does the crew come along? I stay in Namibia. So I guess the crew would move along wherever the boat goes.
Plus how secure are these boats? Alarms at night etc…Can I take firearms on the water worldwide etc?
The crew quarters sucked!!!