Ea ne-a făcut să mergem la New York! – Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 198

Ea ne-a făcut să mergem la New York!  - Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 198

Terminăm navigația peste noapte, ajungem în portul New York în primele ore ale dimineții. Suntem tocmai la timp pentru a avea o experiență uimitoare cu Statuia Libertății și apoi să luăm un ancoraj dulce! Vederi la orizontul New York-ului, Ellis Island și multe altele! Acest episod este FRUMOS! Apoi te vom duce la o croazieră de-a lungul orașului și pe East River. Vom naviga pe infama Poarta Iadului pe drumul nostru spre Long Island Sound. Chiar la timp pentru ca un uragan să lovească Calypso! Consultați NOUA noastră pagină web la www.lazygeckos.net Alte link-uri: Server: Vizitați serverul nostru privat la www.lazygeckos.net Patreon: Deveniți Patreon la www.patreon.com/lazygeckos Instagram: Vrei mai mult LGS? Urmărește Instagramul nostru public @lazygeckosailing Urmărește Instagram-ul personal al lui Brittany @lgsbrittany VA ROG ABONAȚI-VĂ! Link-uri la canalul Vimeo: pentru a vedea imagini suplimentare distractive în videoclipurile noastre din sezonul 8, vă rugăm să vizitați canalul nostru Vimeo din sezonul 8 la: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason8 Vizualizați celelalte sezoane Vimeo folosind link-urile de mai jos! Sezonul 7 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason7 Sezonul 6 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason6 Sezonul 5 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason5 Sezonul 4 https://vimeo.com/ondemand /lazygeckoseason4 Sezonul 3 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason3 Sezonul 2 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason2 Sezonul 1 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckosailing


40 thoughts on “Ea ne-a făcut să mergem la New York! – Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 198

  1. The selfie you guys took brings back memories of when I was that close to the lady while on a boat. July 3 and 4th 1986 I was working on a dinner cruise ship when we were that close for the fireworks show celebrating the Lady's 100th anniversary. It was an incredible view unfortunately back then my camera was a tiny little 110 that took crap pictures lol. In the harbor I was also able to see President Reagan and the First Lady land on the USS John F Kennedy. Later we listened to The Beach Boys give a concert on the fantail of the USS Iowa. This was the culmination of the trip where we had sailed from Port Everglades FL to New York on the 150 ft vessel. About half the trip was up the ICW. Your trip videos has brought back many good memories of my younger days, thank you.

  2. We need more! 16 minutes is not enough time . Can you bump it up to 20 minutes? Or maybe twice a month? I know it takes a lot of effort to edit these and wind in the great music. But I throughly enjoy your trips. Thanks.

  3. Thank you! For 16 minutes I was able to forget I live in Wisconsin and that it will be -8 Fahrenheit tonight and our lakes have 15+ inches of ice on them.

  4. Often drive the FDR along the river and worked in a building on the East River. Always wondered what it looks like from a boats perspective going up or down the river. Some day…

  5. Hello! I’m from NYC was looking at buying your old Boat Alberg 37 before deciding to go with a smaller more reasonable boat for my first. Have fun in NYC!

  6. Did anyone notice how small the statue of liberty looked in the first view of it. It looked small and much closer to the boat. Thats whats deceiving about water, you can't gauge size

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