De ce proprietarii de superyacht cumpără nave de sprijin

De ce proprietarii de superyacht cumpără nave de sprijin

Faceți clic pe acest link pentru a începe să faceți bani ușor! Mulțumim YouGov pentru sponsorizare! Suport pentru iaht cu un LandRover la bord: Vids pentru iaht de asistență Damen: Damen Support Vids pentru iaht: =2&t=346s Traversând Atlanticul pe o navă de transport cu superiahturi: this JogqfdgWdgXqxF5W6DJXQXQF5W6DJXQ? canal pentru a avea acces la avantaje: Marfa: Muzica pe care o folosim în videoclipuri: https:/ / Vă interesează să cumpărați sau să închiriați un iaht? atunci contactați-vă: Dacă sunteți interesat să vă începeți cariera în industria Super Yacht, dar acum nu înțelegeți cum, atunci vă putem ajuta. Înscrieți-vă GRATUIT: Dacă vă place cu adevărat conținutul nostru și doriți să vă arătați aprecierea, atunci deveniți un Patron: Asigurați-vă că urmăriți platformele noastre de socializare pentru actualizări și mai mult conținut: #superyachtcaptain #yachtsales #yachts #superyacht


41 thoughts on “De ce proprietarii de superyacht cumpără nave de sprijin

  1. Well…. From my armchair it appears you are out of a job and doing these vlogs to try and stay afloat. Why on earth did you exit AWOL? You seemed to imply you had a wonderful relationship with the owner. I'm rooting for you that you will find just the right fit for your continued life's journey and find it soon. Keep a stiff upper lip. Listen well. It's out there. Mr. Amazon is going to need a Captain. We are in terested in YOU. NOT incidents of other vessels. Don't be afraid to take us on your personal journey with its ups and downs. It's YOU that makes it interesting. You are very charismatic. Do Carry on.

  2. Hi still enjoy your videos of the Atlantic crossing – need more of this type. Or get a job on a Super Yacht that does crossings on a regular bases. Get some real salt air.

  3. It is amazing how many top tier yacht builders are the Dutch. I have been hearing about a build an "unknown" yard was doing one for an "un named" owner that would require taking apart a very old and historic bridge and the locals are upset. This being a huge blow boat now makes perfect sense. I think Mr Bezos is going to have to pay a big price to the Towne or that bridge will not be moved

  4. It is essentially my argument, why buy a superyacht if it is not fit for purpose? I guess that I have a dislike for the pomp and gaudiness of many superyachts, their impracticability and limitations. Why have a superyacht that has to return to port every week or needs to be re-supplied by an accompanying escort vessel.
    Why not have a explorer or expedition yacht with long range, supply storage for months at sea, just a no fuss capability to go do it. I like the idea of cruising the World in a no nonsense, practical, functional explorer yacht, a floating hotel that is mobile!

  5. Very disappointed in your latest videos. I think its time to ditch the AWOL shirt and all the captain epaulets. It seems you have to much free time and I find the pop ups a bid distracting. Can you get out and maybe interview some other captains and look at other boats. I watched all your other videos but not going to continue at this point.thanks for reading take care

  6. When will we see a personal aircraft carrier? Just a thought probably wouldn’t be feasible and of course I’m talking about a downsized carrier which would be tough because the runway and steam catapult system needs room

  7. WTF are you doing with the camera jumping all about. It's extremely annoying. Holly shit. the zooming in and out is obnoxious. This channel used to be interesting. Now, you just read other peoples information, or just comment on other peoples yachts. the quality of your videos has dropped as far as Watney. He tried to reinvent himself as a bush pilot, and that tanked. Now he's trying to recover also. You guys lost your way of what made you great to begin with. Ooooh, maybe you can get another car wrap for your lambo. LOL Because that was on point with "Super Yacht Captain"…. driving a car?

  8. I started to wear glasses about 25 Years ago, and none I have bought were perfect.
    Always a 10% imperfection in my opinion. And these so called optometrist's do play dumb.
    The number 145 on the side is the length to the ears in millimetres, made for shortheads, should be available in 155 or even 165. Then these glasses would not look crocked on you.
    Glad to see that am not the only one 😉

  9. Nice justification there using the “trickle down” economics theory, which of course we all know is bollocks. I find it most disappointing that whilst you point out the number of employment opportunities created by the industry, you fail to acknowledge all the well document employment law breaches at Amazon which are a factor in Bezzos’ wealth. Still a fascinating subject, just a shame it’s all propped up by the 0.1%!

  10. I was on a charter yacht in the Antarctic as a boy and I dipped my tackle in to the water as we were under way and it froze solid near instantly and dropped off. That’s when I became a girl.
    We all laugh now but I will never have a normal life after that incident so do you take in to consideration things like letting me at 5 years old dip myself into such cold water?

  11. Is it true when you go out 100 or 200 meters from dock that you can have one of the boat drivers dive inside the poop holding tanks and grab all the solid bits then throw them off into the sea, so then you only have like pure watery poop left in the tank.
    Then as far as I know you just empty the poop water through a sive into the sea once you are more than 500 meters from shore.
    Is the above correct?
    Also do we have any idea what bezos does for exercise and can you show us video footage of him doing it?
    Final question is he really as small and dinky as he looks next to everyone? Is he like 5’5” lol?
    Or is he average but on the small side?
    If so he probably is worried about limb sizes etc and that explains a lot of stuff

  12. Um, he gets NONE of our money! Amazon the corporation gets the money to enrich shareholders of Amazon. Jeff is enriched via the appreciation of Amazon stock which, incidentally, he is one of the largest shareholders.

  13. Some of the support vessels appear that they could be used as Corvettes or frigates. A few missile launchers, instead of the toys, on the upper decks.

  14. It needs to be a world law that no person is allowed to keep over one billion dollars and everything over is used for social betterness. Nobody would be homeless or starving. We live in a pathetically sick society that promotes uber wealth over public health.

  15. Fast forward to the arrest and confiscation of the oligarchs yacht.
    Tender ships will be just as valuable as the yachts they're servicing if they can carry lots of fuel
    Oh boy have the west got it wrong.
    If the west takes the toys/yachts away the Russian submarines will do exactly what the failed painter did to the supply lines around the world shipping. They will do exactly the same. And nobody presses a single nuke. The west is out of its league
    Putin will sink the oil tankers and grain ships and as a personal vendetta the private yacht of bezos and any status symbol of the Western titans of industry.
    Fool around and find out.
    Russia has got insurance The west had taken its eye off the ball. So busy fighting orange man.
    Yet he's only part of the problem. The first thing is those darn printing presses. The usa only has such a massive carrier fleet because they have bled their own taxpayers white.
    The establishment then established the fleet and then had to pay for the upkeep.
    This is where they tripped up.
    Like the stupid lottery winner splurging the winning on a mansion and yachts. Having no prior experience with upkeep and running costs has put himself back to square one.
    The establishment of the west is so inept in the general world because all they know is the swamp. Born and raised by the incumbent swamp dwellers. Very very little actual experience in the real world.
    Now suddenly that real world is rearing its ugly head and they have absolutely no idea how to deal with the problem you've forgotten about the human ego.
    Look at the palaces and yachts of the Russian.
    Image and face saving is a very very potent cocktail.
    The establishment in China is also extremely bothered with legacy and revenge for the wests dominance of the past 500 years
    You're no different
    I'm no different
    Everyman has his castle to defend

  16. I'm guessing Bezos also wants to be able to run his business while he's away, without any down time. A support vessel would essentially give him a floating skeleton HQ.

  17. How about instead of having a mansion and having a yacht have a big yacht like Jeff Bezos has and use that as your base of the word your home and your office

  18. I remember your walk through of joyrider the writer and it had a price tag of 12 million dollars which I thought it was a very reasonable priceI remember your walk through of joyrider the writer and it had a price tag of 12 million dollars which I thought it was a very reasonable price

  19. Hello Captain

    I am very interested to start superyacht career I have commercial ship experience and cruise ship experience do you have any reccomendation where to start?

    Thank you

  20. I went to Costco and bought an inflatable support vessal for my MacGregor 26. Good to see Mr Bezos is joining the club…welcome aboard Jeff.

  21. It’s so cool that he’s so awesome at depleting the quality of life for so many people so he can live like a king. If you don’t believe me, go spend a day working in his fulfillment center or out on the roads doing deliveries for next to slave wages. Now that’s he’s recked so much lives here on earth, he’s going try his hand at conquering the rest of the universe.

  22. I would find it laughable to imagine Bezos new sailing super yacht to be towing a modified catamaran helo deck/water toy garage. Apparently many of these "super yachts" that populate the Mediterranean are little more than glorified coastal cruisers albeit quite luxurious ones. To require shipborne carrier transport of these vessels to venues that dramatically exceed their limited range makes many support industries possible.

  23. Well if the owner is Russian. I can give you some reasons. They just first have to make sure the support vessel has a different none Russian owner.

  24. I am a fan of Yacht's but this is one of the many reasons the homeless are filling the streets.

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