Alăturați-vă echipajului RAN Sailing ~ pentru streamuri live, conținut exclusiv și multe altele Suntem o familie suedeză care a navigat prin lume din 2016 în timp ce împărtășim aventurile aici pe YouTube. Barca și casa noastră este un Najad 440 din 1988. Postăm un nou episod în fiecare vineri, așa că asigurați-vă că vă abonați și apăsați clopoțelul pentru a fi primii care află când există un nou episod! CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI – Site: – Instagram: – Facebook: PRODUSE ȘI CAMERA: https:// Am adunat unele dintre produsele pe care le folosim în viața noastră de croazieră și realizarea de videoclipuri în magazinul nostru Amazon. Dacă cumpărați oricare dintre articolele din magazinul nostru, primim un mic „ka-ching” în pisicuța noastră de croazieră (fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs.). Mulțumesc mult și mulțumesc programului Amazon Influencer. Credite muzicale: 00:00 So So (Versiune instrumentală) – Roof 01:49 Pampas Bolero – Son Habana 03:59 Mint Star – Margareta 07:03 După-amiaza în Funchal – Howard Harper-Barnes 08 :27 Sailing – Gary the Canary 09:47 Ahimsa – Calm Shores 11:20 Rose in the Garden (versiune instrumentală) – Cody Francis 15:31 One Of A Kind (tipul meu de) (versiune instrumentală) – Thomas Karlsson Love, Malin , Johan și Vera
Traversare transatlantică – nu sunt condițiile ideale – Ep. 288 RAN Sailing
21 thoughts on “Traversare transatlantică – nu sunt condițiile ideale – Ep. 288 RAN Sailing”
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Oh… I like Yuan's( I am sure i spelled that wrong, sorry!) headlamp. What kind is it?
Safe travels
You may know this trick given you experience, but with a couple adapter fittings and a length of hose it's possible to gravity feed propane from an "exchange" tank to you ship's Propane tanks. It takes a little time, and the higher the discharge tank is above the receiving tank that faster it goes. But it is often much faster than days spent chasing down someone to fill your tanks. Hope the passage goes well!
Thanks for posting and sharing. Glad to see that you have begun your passage. I hope that you have fair winds as much as possible. Even just watching and listening to the video, it was such a nice relief when the sail went out, and the engine was shut down.
Congratulations, you're on the way again! Is this the same route you took 2 years ago?
Does Vera understand both languages? How does she comprehend the use of 2 languages to communicate? Glad to see you taking on crew for the crossing AND "buddy-boating". I'd like to see more do that for safety reasons If they can. How far away does your AIS track? Can you keep track of your flotilla 9 miles apart? Do you have them on radar also? As usual, this means you have already arrived when we see your first videos! I'm looking forward to some Caribbean cruising because it's still snowing in Michigan and the temps are in the single digits (Fº).
Lovely video as always. Happy to see you and the crew sailing after about 47 hours motoring. Stay Safe! Keep Sailing. ❤
About time for Vera to have a little brother or sister😂
good stuff
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hay All on RAN-II –
congrates for the crossing (!)
my best regards
With all the lithium – is an induction hob in your future?
What is a wax sealer?
Good blessings for a safe passage. Thanks for taking us aboard 😊 too !!
I would not go to sea with a child!!
Hasn't baby grown.Bon Voyage for many sailing adventures to come.
U might consider labeling the top of the cans. Easier than pulling to see what's in them.
Your sailing has begun, and Vera as usual sharing the joy, …Safe Travels.
So much fun watching Vera grow, along w/ all the interesting places you have visited. Thank you.
Always exciting to start a trip!