Navigați 4.000 de mile peste Pacific – 32 de zile pe mare (Partea a 2-a) | EP 30 – Castor cu vele

Navigați 4.000 de mile peste Pacific - 32 de zile pe mare (Partea a 2-a) |  EP 30 - Castor cu vele

#sailingbeaver #bluewatersailing #oceanis40 ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPEI NOASTRE PATREON – Pentru conținut suplimentar, cărțile noastre electronice, actualizări în timp real, povești maritime și multe altele. Acesta este cel mare, partea a 2-a a traversării noastre de 4.000 de mile a Oceanului Pacific direct din Panama până în Polinezia Franceză. Pe măsură ce ne apropiem de Galapagos, rămânem cu decizia dificilă de a merge fie la nord, fie la sud de insule și cum să ne navigam cel mai bine prin brizele instabile și curenții dificili. Sam & Nicole X ALĂTURĂȚI-VĂ ECHIPEI NOASTRE PATREON Dacă doriți să ajutați la finanțarea participativă a producției noastre mici, accesați pagina noastră Patreon unde puteți contribui cu câțiva dolari în fiecare lună pentru a continua videoclipurile și pentru a obține acces la tot conținutul nostru suplimentar. Sau… ​📚DESCĂRCĂ AICI CĂRȚILE NOASTRE BLUEWATER CRUISER! Cărțile electronice disponibile și pentru descărcare GRATUITĂ pentru toți patronii noștri care susțin VIZITAȚI SITE-UL NOSTRU: REȚELE SOCIALE: @ sam_hawk @nicolecarlsen 00:00 Intro 00:29 Furtunuri de ploaie 05:05 Ziua 4 12:38 Trecerea Galapagos și probleme cu baterie 20:44 Traversarea ecuatorului 24: 14 Ziua 11 28:05 Ziua 14 30:26 La jumătatea drumului către Polinezia Franceză


48 thoughts on “Navigați 4.000 de mile peste Pacific – 32 de zile pe mare (Partea a 2-a) | EP 30 – Castor cu vele

  1. Great video. I carry a set of jumper cables that will reach from the house bank to the starter battery. In the future I will also carry a battery jumper, the kind that road assistance companies use to start your car when the battery is dead. One charges it with the inverter. A good one will start a 7 liter diesel engine, so a marine diesel in a sailboat should be quite easy. It is the "belt and suspenders" approach.

  2. Really enjoy watching your channel, the quality of your vlogs is fabulous and so well narrated too, enjoy your travels, fair winds and following seas.

  3. I was so relieved when I heard the engine start with the thruster battery! I also have an OC40 and it has a connection between the +ve house batteries to the starter battery which is activated by a key switch underneath the main battery switches. Guess this was retrofitted by the previous owner if yours does not have this fitted…?

  4. Well done guys, massive milestone and achievement passing the equator (I clapped for you as its a massive thing to accomplish). Looking forward to the next one….ps loved that you were watching adventures of an old sea dog, been watching him from the start and his crossing of the equator was really emotional. Well done.

  5. Rose a toll is a protected a toll, the 3 of you should sail around it and check out and maybe do a little snorkeling, know you will love it!

  6. ciao Sailing Beaver, i got also "the big one" pt.2, quietly, cheering up🍷 to yr Equator as well with my nice red wine! So far so good. Keep on sailing wisely. To you my dear 3 guys, cheers 🍻🍻🍻and, as ever, Fair Winds ⛵

  7. I didn't see part 1, so apologies if you have shown this in that video.

    How many staterooms does your oceanis 40 have? It would be great if you could show pictures of what it looks like below deck.

    I'm a big fan. It's so impressive what you are doing in a 40-footer with three people!!


  8. I must admit that I was a little worried about you guys- 32 days deep & getting a little tired of each other & cramped living spaces. However, the crossing the equator party was a complete & total win for emotional release. Silly, involves alcohol (not normal in passages for excellent reasons) & set aside as it's own 'moment'- I'm unsure if viewers understand the need for these breaks. But, I DO, and I know that it allows for a mental breather (Yes, I could see the stress building) & all were genuinely more relaxed in the days afterwards. Mankie jokes are fun, living in total chaos down below is stressful and having a trip divider literally allows for fresh perspectives. 40 days at sea is no small trip, nor is 4,000 nm. Thankfully, you (both) are strong mentally, your crew is well internally oriented (noted: time separated) & no-one seems to have unwound or got tightly bundled…so far. Super human focus & relaxed approach is paying dividends. Once again, like your boat build up, I am very impressed. She's still together, no horror stories, batteries are mostly unburdened, all equipment is holding up- really, much to praise & little to stress specifically over. I'm glad the rig was tuned just prior to sailing- still quiet after 32 days at sea!

  9. Of all the private sailing vessels I've seen make this long passage, yours is by far the most squared away and ship shape!

  10. The homemade rain water catcher is an utterly reasonable and obvious accoutrement to your off shore boat. Kudos to you for creating that upgrade, but damnation and hellfire to the idiots who designed and built your boat, or at least the Bimini, without it! Good thing the company didn't design your car with a standard three gallon fuel tank. Of course there would have been room for you to add a sixteen gallon plastic fuel tank in the trunk. Obviously you could, but why should you have to? Morons. Boats should be designed and built to accomplish the roles for which they were marketed. Simple obvious improvements should not be the responsibility of the buyers.

  11. Thank you😊, bless you🙌 with safety, wisdom, good health and good friends ❤️ 😊 in Jesus name thank you Holy Abba, Amen.

  12. This is wonderful… love your channel so far. I've wanted to cruise like this for so many years… since I was a kid. I've found over the last year I've discovered new sailing vlogs almost daily. Does every cruiser have one now? When you arrive in harbors around the world, and meet other sailors, are they all YouTubers?

  13. Hi there. Just come across your channel recently and am really enjoying your story & style.
    It actually coincided with me listening to an audible book being read by a Chris Stanmore-Major (The Mariner & Rare Nautical Reads) about a very similar voyage. The book was by a John Caldwell, titled, ‘Desperate Voyage’ and published back in 1949. Might be worth a read/listen, as you will appreciate what he achieved, having completed virtually the same passage.

  14. Love how you keep the music,( which is great), at minimum and give the natural sounds of the boat and the sea as it actually is. Thank you!

  15. I appreciate you just letting the camera roll and let us watch the peace and calm(ok..sometimes not so peaceful or calm) of just sailing as it appears just as you see it.

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