Dacă navigarea ar fi întotdeauna așa – Croazieră în jurul Bocas del Toro – Episodul 60

Dacă navigarea ar fi întotdeauna așa - Croazieră în jurul Bocas del Toro - Episodul 60

În acest episod, ne petrecem în Zapatilla Cays, Panama, înainte de a ne naviga prin mangrove înapoi la Bocas del Toro. Ne întâlnim cu Wasteless World care a deschis un centru de reciclare și se oferă voluntar pentru câteva ore. După câteva zile în oraș, ne îndreptăm spre Starfish Beach pentru câteva nopți pentru a ne relaxa, apoi ne întoarcem în oraș pentru a căuta o barcă pentru prietenii noștri. Încheiem acest videoclip în micul sat Kusapin. Priviți prietenii noștri de la Wasteless World: Instagram: Waste_Less_World https://www.wastelessworld.com Ajutați să susțineți echipa Wasteless World mergând la PayPal: Nume utilizator PayPal: mrdequre@gmail.com (nu ezitați să ne trimiteți un mesaj pe rețelele sociale sau prin e-mail pentru mai multe informații) ** Acești băieți sunt abia la început, așa că literalmente fiecare dolar ajută! Doriți să ajutați la susținerea producțiilor noastre video? Am deschis recent un cont Patreon. Alăturați-vă echipajului nostru One Life aici: https://www.patreon.com/SailingOneLife Am colaborat recent cu Epic Water Filters. Împreună ne putem ajuta să ne protejăm oceanele și fauna sălbatică, câte un filtru de apă! Pentru a-ți lua propriul echipament Epic Water Filter, mergi la: https://www.epicwaterfilters.com?aff=134 Asigurați-vă că utilizați codul promoțional EPICONELIFE în timpul comenzii pentru a primi 20% reducere la comanda dumneavoastră. One Life Merchandise: https://svonelife.com/merchandise/ Pentru mai multe aventuri Sailing One Life și actualizări curente, urmăriți-ne pe: Facebook – http://facebook.com/SailingOneLife Instagram – http://instagram.com/SV_One_Life Website – http://svonelife.com


40 thoughts on “Dacă navigarea ar fi întotdeauna așa – Croazieră în jurul Bocas del Toro – Episodul 60

  1. Was that pluckys oil bottle , perhaps it fell out of the boat , sometimes trash is not intentional. . Or perhaps some people are ignorant about sea turtles eating jelly fish , only if people are more educated what sea turtles eat . Unfortunately Plastic bags are sea turtles biggest diet . Try to get videos of turtles eating jelly fish perhaps it’s difficult task , but a epic mission !!

  2. Great job teaming up with locals for beach cleanup. We're planning on doing the same when we complete our move to St Croix. Outside of the water/nature park and reserves, the south side needs help. Thanks!

  3. My wife and I just got all caught up with your episodes! Thanks for taking us along on your journey! Because of your Statia videos, I think we will be heading down to the old gin house for our next Caribbean trip.
    Looking forward to the next one!

  4. I love the recycling idea; always a super cool idea. I firmly believe Mother Earth would be much happier if everyone recycled around the world. Stay groovy and stay safe.

  5. I appreciate you two addressing real issues, ie educating locals, featuring water filter multi use bottles and local recycling centers. Tiresome to hear lectures about sea trash when you’re in suburban central US, never drinking from plastic bottles, recycling everything possible and growing our own food in middle of winter. Thank you!

  6. Brooke, your "fails" would be a welcome activity here in cold Delaware! Thanks for taking us along, you are still one of my top 3 sailing vlogs!! Enjoy each one. Ed

  7. I love seeing interaction between channels! Also saw a quick cameo on Plucky's channel. What exactly is the protocol for filming when 2x Youtubers are in the same area?

  8. What do you wish you knew before you started? Biggest Regrets? Best Moment? Any thoughts of coming back to land? (Wife & I are contemplating sailing full-time) How much do you spend a month on a conservative side?

  9. Just subbed you guys as you both have a great vibe and great content. I am always looking for a new sailing channel. How cool was it to hang with the legends…DELOS!?! I started watching Delos when Brian and Brady first started and there was only a few 100 subs, I hope you see the same success. Cheers and fair winds

  10. Thanks for the video guys. Great description of the species while diving. So glad you are helping with the clean up and recycling. Obviously, most people could care less about the environment.

  11. I wonder if you guys can team up with Cardano or another crypto currency community to see if there is any interest.

  12. Quite admirable when folks use their gifts and talents to care for God's Creation, as Jesus said: ",Occupy till I come." Luke 19:13🙏🏻.

    If everyone will join in to do the same, yes? Hallelujah👍🏻

    God Bless Brooke & Gary🙏🏻⛵🐬🐬🐬

  13. Saw ya kneeling in the sand at sunset and wondered if you got any chitras bites / sand flies… or do you use repellant? I'm just learning all about Bocas from afar.

  14. I learned with cars- and probably applies to boats… a $15,000 boat that needs $50,000 in work is a $65,000 boat considering all the labor. Just buy a $65,000 boat, right? Or buy a $50k boat that only needs a little work. Tough Call.

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