Acesta trebuie să fie cel mai ciudat „SuperYacht” vreodată!

Acesta trebuie să fie cel mai ciudat „SuperYacht” vreodată!

#superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats SY News Acesta crezi sau nu este un superyacht. Este una dintre cele mai neobișnuite nave care a fost numită vreodată superyacht. Această navă și-a început viața în 1982 ca transportator de nave. Numită Super Servant 3, și-a petrecut cea mai mare parte a vieții făcând ceva asemănător cu această navă, un alt transportator de navă specializat în transportul de iahturi. După o conversie extinsă, ea se laudă acum cu un nume aproape la fel de ciudat precum arată: Motor Yacht OK, nava a petrecut ultimii 3 ani fiind transformată de șantierul naval turc Karmarine în ceea ce vedeți acum, un fel de superyacht. La 146 de metri lungime, ea este acum, teoretic, unul dintre cele mai lungi superyacht-uri de acolo. Spun teoretic pentru că acesta este cu adevărat un superyacht? Abonează-te acum! Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds https ://


47 thoughts on “Acesta trebuie să fie cel mai ciudat „SuperYacht” vreodată!

  1. This is great, it's useful, just look at the waste of time super yachts are just dick measuring for little power pissed boys. 67m sailing boat, brilliant

  2. It’s not strangest yacht…this’s show people in the world when you have money to burn and you want to be different and most people think all riches people smart but in this’s case he’s not really smart as you think…lol

  3. This owner must be stoked right about now. He can snatch up any of the oligarch super yacht he wants that's out for claim right now lol

  4. I have a pickup truck and a utility trailer for my busy lifestyle and toys to haul around. If I was rich I'd want a pickup for the sea as well. I like this.

  5. Honestly I think this is an awesome ship just think about that deck space you can turn it into a football pitch in a warm climate… European football that is or or sale North and you can turn it into a hockey rink in the winter

  6. I love the 360 degree master suite. With a botanical garden, aquariums, & outdoor tennis court – this owner knows how to zen! It's like their Country House Yacht, & they brought their land with them!

  7. Who wants to guess how this guy made his money…?
    I'll take oil executive for 500…
    What is an oligarchy…
    Who is a Saudi prince?
    I don't know and don't care. no matter who owns it I say sink them all including Joe Manchin and his coal patrol boat

  8. Apparently the owner is a outdoors person. I guess he doesn't really need deck after deck after deck of enclosed spaces with high-dollar trim and tons of furniture if it's just going to be a few people on there. It's a nice outside the box thinking on his part. 👍🏻👀🇺🇲
    Reminds me of a guy I know that after his inheritance came in he bought a motorized barge and would drive his big motorcoach on to it. Instant mega houseboat that could pull up to the proper Pier and then go traveling in the motor coach are smaller pickup that he had with him. Luxury on a budget, LOL

  9. "My Yacht harnesses the power of the wind!"
    "Sure isn't that how sailing ships work?"
    "Plebian ships maybe, but mine uses a turbine!"
    * Brain Explodes *

  10. why semi submerge it to carry all those big toys? i dont understand why submerging it would be of any use and you didnt seem to explain

  11. Since "OK" is semi submersible, would the main deck be built as a submarine since it must be able to fully be submerged? or do the 2 protruding towers in the back provide for air intake and exhaust for diesel engines under water and its otherwise a "ship" with engines below water line ?

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