O greșeală fatală pe care nu o va uita niciodată | Accident SuperYacht de 164ft

O greșeală fatală pe care nu o va uita niciodată |  Accident SuperYacht de 164ft

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36 thoughts on “O greșeală fatală pe care nu o va uita niciodată | Accident SuperYacht de 164ft

  1. So sad!!! With all of the money and time that goes into those fancy yachts and the wing station is poorly designed. That is pretty bad. Safety first!! Totally unnecessary!!

  2. My god, what an appalling design principle! Your past pictures of this side station control seems to have allowance on the door panel for the control box to mount lower on the door panel and prevent this issue. Even a slightly larger door would not be a serious design issue. What a sad outcome. As a quality investigator, I would see serious flaws in the processes on board to have this result.

  3. I think it is also a problem that you can not deselect control from the levers. As far as I know you can only asume command. When I train bridge crews (usualy military) I alwys tell them not to leave the station as long as crontole is actvie…

  4. This accident was totally avoidable. This should of never been possible. There could of been a key necessary for activating the station, an off position when the handles were lowered down or a deactivation of throttles when the station was put away. I hope the manufacture was sued for this accident. What’s worse is that this is still going on.

  5. A very tragic accident indeed. I find it quite shocking that this design is found on several yachts. It must be some of the designers that have realised that an accident is waiting to happen. It is so easy to fix this, either to lock the lid open when the bridge wing is selected or main engines are running or one can mould a hump in GRP where the handles are . Both these options can be retrofitted easily. It just requires some cable, a couple of solenoids, some 316L material

  6. If I’m that helicopter pilot, that would have been my best, and last flight that day.
    He knows he made a mistake by touching the throttles; especially with the sound/vibration of a running engine.
    That is why people who “modify” their brand new stuff really know how to live. Stuff has to work in practice, and for you and how you use it. Life hack; modify shit when you know you can make it better. Guaranteed that was a fear of any sharp captain of that yacht.

  7. What a sad event. If I were the helicopter pilot I would have said damn the clearance needed, this is an emergency. I'd rather lose my license knowing I did everything I could to help, than keep my license knowing I could have helped.

  8. What a sad day for all the people involved.
    My condolences to the family and friends who lost a loved one. 🙏🏻
    I wish I could never happen again.

  9. There should be an engine shut off switch placed on the wing stations so if the wing stations were not fully opened the engines wold automatically shut down preventing this sort of negligence. If the wing station were attempted to close the throttle settings would not matter because the engines would die. If control were already set to the bridge then you could shut the wing station without incident and position the throttles into any setting. When opening the wing stations the throttle settings of the bridge should be transmitted to the wing stations moving the throttles to match the bridge throttle settings, before control could be set to the wing stations. If we can have motorized faders on recording mixing boards via midi control then it should be easy enough to have powered throttle quadrants and safety shutdown fail safes.

  10. so the accident was designed into the boat
    A good mechanic would have seen this and cut the control handles
    down to a correct size

  11. Cheaper than rebuilding the yacht would be introducing a wing control procedure. A sign saying-Do not close wing control until it is de-activated. Confirm control is at main helm before closing this unit. Check this box to show you understand this action,& sign.

  12. Horrific and tragically avoidable. Absurd beyond belief that a yacht can be designed like this or that they're aren't other mitigation measures in place.

  13. I once had something like this on a Feretti where the cover of the side controls slammed down pushing the throttle forward. The boat jumped forward pulling a cleat out of the dock but fortunately no one was hurt. There were many things I didn't like about that boat and this one was at the top of the list.

  14. The logical design requirement would be that all functionality of the stations port and starboard should be cut off automatically when the stations are moved from their operating position. So simply, if you want to close the stations, you would first need to unlock it and with that all controls are made numb and the station can be closed safely.

  15. Thay government is a sad joke. I had a medical emergerncy there once…if it was up to the authorities the individual would have passed away. We took action despite the Government, saved the person and left in order not to risk prison. They are more concerned in putting people in jail then saving a life. Money on the hands of the right people make it work better, nowadays we pre pay and arrange for our own security and medical, and arrange with authorities and high officers on duty before taking clients there. We starting doing the same thing iis a few other countries. Not 100% guaranteed but way better

  16. Oh my god what a terrible design, surely a disengage drive button could be instigated if they can’t design a bigger cubbyhole?

  17. The engineer in me is crying out. These wing stations need an immediate redesign. It is quite simple. If the station is not fully deployed, the MUST be a simple interlocking switch that disables the throttle commands. Why in the hell doed it have a design that requires full advance of the throttles to close the wing?

    In a nutshell, aesthetics won out over function. Fix this. My plea to the designers is simple. You did not put much thought into this design. PERIOD. Fix it?

  18. I have also Captained a yacht where the wing stations were compromised by style. This is an unspoken problem in yachting, where style is everything. Far too many times style is placed over safety and functionality.. Often times the yachts designer is a well known designer / stylist/ architect…who has little to no knowledge of operating a yacht at sea, and are a times very reluctant to accept the fact that at times it is essential to consider function over form.

  19. Absolutely love your show and what you do. At 40 years old, I look up to you and what you have achieved in your career. I'm actually working to become a licensed builder. I don't have much time left before I can take the test and I'm very excited! The point I wanted to get across is many people use these better help and things like that. I'm not knocking people getting help for mental health. The only thing that I am concerned about is the database that gets accrued and people's medical information that gets shared and turned into a currency. I'm not sure if that's what goes on here but it makes me wonder about the old mental health facilities many years ago that would that people and electrocute people in the gains of mental health. It's just food for thought. This company came out of nowhere and now it has millions and millions of people's mental health data. We all know that data is the new paperback dollar. Or the metal pound! Keep in mind I'm a dumb American, smart enough to at least Dodge the obesity problem! Also I have struggled with addiction and I totally totally respect anybody that's willing to get mental health help. I think it's very important. I also believe that the younger generations don't get taught accountability with their friends and family. Having an accountability partner you can trust and talk with us much better than having a doctor you pay money to. A friend will know who you are a family member knows who you are. But it's just food for thought. I always say if you have mental health issues going to a 12-step program that's anonymous. Love your show and I love what you're doing! I think you treat people the way that any manager should treat people. You make a good boss and maybe one day I'll the accredited enough and perhaps can apply for crew on your ship! God bless you and safe travels to you and your family/crew

  20. After this incident it’s mandatory for ship builders to design the wing stations to close without moving the throttles…Jemasa had hers changed straight away to smaller throttles

  21. Why don't they just change out the throttles, with shorter knobs?
    Having to put throttles on full speed to close the door, is one of the dumbest things i have ever heard.

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