Cele mai futuriste iahturi

Cele mai futuriste iahturi

Iată alegerile noastre pentru cele mai futuriste iahturi!


46 thoughts on “Cele mai futuriste iahturi

  1. I love the idea of the Megaloo…. especially with the sea and weather behaving badly you never know when going to a deep dive is necessary and still retains that luxury component. Unfortunately the prices make all of them no gowers…shame

  2. So i drop 100 million on the Tatiana and in a 5 mile trial run it loses to my retired racing Greyhound by……6 and a half minutes lol 😂go f yourselves

  3. all of you who say wow, it's a great yacht and similar praises. it's easy to sail and enjoy it. try working in a shipyard as a mechanic on any yacht, for example, try removing the sea intake valves where you can barely see the valve with your eyes, and especially dismantle it. try it and then say wow.sorry for my bad english

  4. beautiful vehicules….the question is…ok, suppose you can have one of those….what do you do? ok you have your partner, a few friends…you take a 1 month vacation? you need computers, books, and have things to do, eating, sleeping, diving, listening to music, talking, sharing, watching movies, looking at the stars at night with music, praying….doing excercise every day maybe if you have satellite connexion to have internet (now possible thank you to elon musk) then it becomes quite interesting to sale the 5000 or 6000 nautical miles…. at 10 knots that is around 6000 hours which is 30 days….. plus stops 45 days ….. I would use it to pray, read spiritual books, and create a self knowledge and partner and spiritual process…. and then I would use 120 days or 100 days reading a few thick spiritual books, listening to podcast and having a schedule of meditation, reading, sharing spiritual concepts, talking, practicing some excersices to heal, perceive….there has to be a purpose…without a higher purpose it would be veeery boring….

  5. I like the two mega yachts submerged underwater and the last Mega yacht i just saw the very very very last one that's not for sell.

  6. Matthew Lepre’s experiences with online business are not typical; he is an experienced eCommerce seller and marketer. The program demonstrates how Matthew, and his team of experts use proprietary technology, experience and expertise to identify potentially successful offers to sell on online. We do not track the typical results of our customers or verify the accuracy of publicly available student testimonials.

  7. O no sabes de $ precios como un Yate como el q pones Num uno cuesta $3.5millones No sabes nada de los precios de una joya como esa no sabes lo q hablas

  8. It was designed to be a great video, however, you allowed the background music to be louder than the narrator which was very annoying. I couldn’t watch the entire video.

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