Navigare spre OCEANSIDE de la Dana Point: explorarea portului de agrement Oceanside și a lagunei San Elijo

Navigare spre OCEANSIDE de la Dana Point: explorarea portului de agrement Oceanside și a lagunei San Elijo

Săptămâna aceasta, evităm vânturile Santa Ana și călărim la periferie pentru o navigare interesantă și plăcută până la Oceanside Marina. Am avut o evadare minunată explorând portul de agrement, plajele și Rezervația ecologică și Centrul natural al Lagunei San Elijo. Detaliem toate plantele și păsările incredibile pe care le vedem pe parcurs. Dacă îți place navigația, observarea păsărilor, plantele native și natura, vei adora acest videoclip.


12 thoughts on “Navigare spre OCEANSIDE de la Dana Point: explorarea portului de agrement Oceanside și a lagunei San Elijo

  1. This was my fave video you've done. All the aspects I like in one. Love, hiking, plants, birds, sailing, sea life, and learning. I live in North Dakota now but grew up walking the back bay of Newport Beach. Even rode my horse there and would spend all day by myself at the back bay. I am 65 so things have changed so much there, but I would love to see you both scouting out the BB and telling me all the things I didn't know I was walking through as a young girl. Thanks for a nice start to my ND day!

  2. Just found your channel, yay. We recently had a Cape Dory 22 in Marina Del Rey. Love your guy's energy, and the education on local flora and fauna.

  3. Your content very unusual, but interesting. It would not hurt to increase views to bring videos at YouTube recommendation, i know g e t 4 v i e w s or u t i f y for that

  4. Another great video! The next time you sail to Oceanside you may want to consider the guest dock called the Jolly Roger dock on the other side of the harbor, more mellow and a nice place to hang out. And how cool that you got to the San Elijo Lagoon. 
    Well done you two : )

  5. 😎… Identifying similar species is an acquired art … and requires constant practice and reinforcement … then they change the names 😂😉🇬🇧
    Sympathies to your sweet lady eastuaries are really the richest feeding grounds on the coasts.. though the constantly changing salinity profiles make life challenging.

  6. Thanks for the educational aspects, describing the plants and animals, genus & species as well as common names. Feel like I learned something.

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